The Art of Living – by Dr. Kam Yuen

The Art of Living (Dr. Kam Yuen)

– By Kam Yuen  –  Reprinted with permission.    First published in 2012.

Living is an art, not a science. If it were a science, we would all be in more of a Bunsen Burner flame, boiling hot water centrifugal spin than we’re already in now!

Science, in spite of its flamboyant and glamorous status, creates more questions than answers. Do we need to ask and be asked more questions with no answers, or at best a few answers unrelated to the questions?

Usually science would have approximately one answer per thousand questions.   For science to have two answers, or even a second one, it has to formulate an additional thousand questions.   By the time we get answers from science, we will be old and gray as I am now, if not already dead, which I am getting closer to.

Science’s answers are not truthful because it needs empirical evidence (whatever that means) before scientists consider anything to be true.

Gathering empirical data puts everyone to sleep, including those doing the gathering and interpreting.   It is difficult for science to recognize the answer – even if the answer has been staring it in the face for decades.

The answer is not the truth, because none of their answers are applicable in improving anyone’s lives, or anything else for that matter.

Does science really care to get to the truth?

It is difficult for science to get to the truth because it doesn’t have a sense of humor.

The truth is funny!

Even stones in caves have changed by the time it takes science to form a single postulate let alone reach a conclusion.   Carbon molecules would turn into diamonds by the time we get any useful answers from science for us to live by.

Every few years, scientific theory gets discarded and reversed until it contradicts its own previous theory. It is difficult for science to make up its mind— if it even has one.

Have I left anything out that would make us want to separate science from the art of living, as we wish to separate religion from government, so at least we can have a certain degree of life and liberty?

To improve the art of living, we can’t depend on science.
It is really
technology that improves the standard of living.
Science gets the credit, just like medicine gets credit for health.

Under such premises, the art of living finds science to be as unreliable as any other human institution.  One should not give science more credence than any other limited human system of experience.

The art of living seeks to unchain itself from the yoke of science, to be treated as equal to science, as all things are equal.  There is a science and art of unparalleled development of intuition, unmatched by previous generations, that is setting a new baseline standard for future generations.

The art of living takes into consideration intuitive access to our physical, mental and spiritual being.

It is only through intuition we get to the truth;
logic can only point us in certain directions.

There are infinite possibilities for science to ponder, but it is up to our intuition to choose the exact one that is applicable to the given situation. Otherwise, we cannot siphon the truth out from the midst of untruths.

Art is intuition . . .
and science is hard nosed logic with a sinus problem

This new standard of intuition mentioned here can be taught and trained.  It gives us the insight, without positive or negative judgment, to know untruths – even though everyone, including all the king’s horses and men, support infinite untruths as the truth.

It is time for people to get off their high wooden horses and smell the aroma of wonton soup—not the chicken soup.

We have been led to believe that if everyone holds something to be true, because it does something only by accident, or from probability of random chance resolved one time, that we must accept it as always the truth.

This is the result of great marketing strategy. If we can get one person out of a hundred better accidentally, we can convince everyone that the other 99 would get better, or even have already gotten better.

There should be no argument about what is and what isn’t the truth!

Remember, if whatever has been said were true,
it would resolve whatever ails us in our lives more times than one

However, if what has been preached didn’t resolve even one ailment of a person’s life, then there is no truth to what has been said, even though all the gurus are parroting the same thing.

Just because everyone is saying the same worded speech
doesn’t make it the truth.

  • Does having passion, gratitude and intention make that much difference in our lives?
  • Do we care to count the limited number of spiritual laws?
  • Do we need to be motivated and inspired?
  • Do we arrive to the New Age by going backward in time?

I will keep you all in suspense until my next or future article!

You know what is worse than listening to one parrot? It is having to listen to a whole bunch of them.

– Kam Yuen

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So Simple You Missed It (Miss’s & Dis’s)

Swing and a miss

You’rrrrrre …. OUT!!!  (Companion Video:   So Simple You Missed It)
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

Swing-and-a-miss.   And we’re not talking just about my high school baseball career here. (actually, my batting average was .310)

When we talk about not perceiving energy shifts  i.e. client says “it’s the same”
the top <reason/causes/sources>
… is the “misinterpretation hexagon” of
<same/not same …. different/not different …. changing/not changing>

In other words, the perception block comes from weaknesses somewhere in that hexagon..

(Miss)interpretation is the most common perception block.  But, it’s not just “misses” … we experience – that weaken our energy.
Another area that I’ve found in practice .. are what I’ll loosely term “the misses and the disses” – words prefixed with “mis-” or “dis-”

  • mis“;   “bad”, “failure (of)”
  • “dis;”   “not” or “opposite (of)” or “take away” (remove/deprive), lack of

It’s so simple, you missed it …
— Dr. Kam Yuen, D.C.

The “Misses”

“I Missed It” – Effects


We want to clear other misses effects, not just misinterpretation, for those that show up most commonly.

Here are the top “misses” (mistakes in general)….

Dr. Yuen used to call this the “life mishaps” hexagon.. that can cause us worry/concern/bother:

<misinterpretation – misinformation – mistaken identity – misfit – false tools – mind >

The “mistaken identity” element is the triad of <emotions – reactions – sensations> (used for allergies sometimes)

The “false tools”  (aka “coping mechanisms”) are the hexagon of:

           <suppress – deny – lie (to yourself) – numb – forget (practice forgetting) – shut down>

Dr. YUEN has a triad of “misses” we call “mistaken identity” (mis-identifying these three in some way)

< emotions – reactions – sensations >

Other Triads:

  • Anxiety triad:  <misinformation – mistakes we make – misled by others>
  • Fear triad is a common one..  <misinformation – misinterpretation – misrepresentation>

(Paraphrase) “We, as humans aren’t born with any fears;
If you simply delete misinformation and misinterpretation – you won’t be able to perceive any fear(s).”

      — Dr. Kam YUEN, D.C.

But there are other, less common misses
We can clear as a group (profile a number “N” + lasso  & delete the effect):

<misjudge – misdiagnose – mismanage – miscalculate – misled – misunderstand – miscommunicate – misdirect – misidentify – misrepresentation>

The “Disses”

The top 6 disses
Here are – what I call – the “disses” – closely related to the misses..

<disapproval – disappear – dislike – disappoint – discourage – disbelief>

The more complete “disses” list:

<disapproval – disobey – disagree – dislike – disrespect – disable – disallow – disappear –
disappoint – discourage – disbelief – discourage – dishonest – disgust – dis-ease – discontinue – disconnect>

We often need to clear these misses and disses elements from ourselves / and the collective + the cumulative effect of the past…  There is often a heavy psychic element (i.e. “outside us”) from these effects … that we need to disconnect (another “dis”) psychically from the herd (or get ourselves as neutral as possible to the herd effects)

Disconnect from herd (psychic energy)
Checking BOTH directions – it seems like others disconnecting FROM US can be weakest from a neutrality standpoint..    Let’s say, 10x more than other way around.    So, we have to allow that NEUTRAL possibility, so we don’t psychically try to ATTRACT ‘herd’ effects..  thinking we’re somehow balancing it out (so called “compensation weakness”)…  Get neutral and to the disconnect “effect” (or the un-resonate effect)

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The Energy of Spaces

Space Cadets Welcome

Companion video: YUEN Method – Clearing Feng Shui & Spaces (space cadets welcome)
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

We are energy beings – made of “matter” – well,  sometimes.

Really, we’re mostly empty space..  but humans believe everything in 3D is “solid” (full of “stuff/matter”)  vs empty.   So many negative connotations of empty (empty suit, empty tank, etc)

YouTube:  Space Cadets – The Energy of Spaces

Fear of empty spaces
Where does this come from?   Most of our physical existence is space.   If a nucleus of an atom is the size of a golf ball, how far away is the first electron?  (let’s put aside the electron superposition “cloud” for a moment)

Well, a quick check on the internet,  a few physicists – one Ph.D physicist from University of Southern California weighted in on this “matter”.   Ready?  The consensus is …  well there is no consensus.   (you’d think we’d KNOW this by now)

There are many estimates that hover around 2.5km – so, imagine an electron “sphere” of between 1.5 to 1.6 miles in diameter.

That’s a LOT of space to ponder.  This is why it’s important to clear the energy of spaces – too;  not just physical matter (where we think our pains come from)

Space, the Final Frontier

So, to insult someone, we say a man/woman is “full of s$#!”.
To complement someone (the inverse), I guess we’d say “full of space?“; so calling someone “spacey” is a compliment, I guess.

It brings a whole new meaning to “space cadet”.

2 people at a bar (c’mon, it’s only a bar joke)
 “I like my space”
Person2:  “I like your space too

Back to YUEN Method
Much of our clearing on the physical can encompass the atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs, systems, structure, etc.  We often forget information energy & memories are held – not only in the “matter” but also in the (larger) spaces between.

There is energy (and memory) held in spaces, so remember to clear spaces (use a “barcode” term if it’s convenient) at the same time we clear what we believe are “matter” related things on the physical level.

This is how we clear Feng Shui at the macro level (as above, so below) to the micro level.

The Feng-Shui of Spaces

Dr. Yuen sometimes mentions Feng-Shui in the context of clearing the triad of <home – work – school > and I add < visited – >

We have feng-shui in the macro level in our living spaces.   We also have feng-shui on the INNER spaces too.

So, remember, in your clearings –  to be a “Space Cadet” and clear the spaces too… where 99%+ of what is “us” – exist …

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Sessions: Allergies – Our Hidden Stories

The Session:  Multiple Allergies & Hidden Things


Companion Video:  Fear of Hidden Things
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV YouTube Channel)

In YUEN Method®, when we examine someone’s presented story – say,  a sensitivity, hyper-sensitivity or allergic intolerance to many things, where do we start?

The story perhaps begins with a long-ago event where a person suddenly – became hyper-sensitive/reactive to many things … smells, etc. that they call allergies.

Some clients may get lab tests, visited with allergy specialists.   Either way, we know allergy symptoms often affect our daily life routine, relationships and also sleep patterns, etc., and other quality-of-life issues.

So, in the session, let’s begin – where we always do – from zero.

Short Notes: What we found in the allergy session

  1. many allergies, chronic
    • poverty stricken mentality; rather have many of something, then zero.
    • reverse perception;  feel bad about getting better.
  2. can’t sleep, can’t focus
    • (opposite) afraid to wake up (because immediately, when waking, having a negative thought )
    • (opposite) someone focusing ON YOU weakens you (recognition weakness – e.g. famous person, no privacy)
    • neutral to information about insomnia
      • neutral to sleep, no sleep, some sleep, too much sleep (from 0 to infinity), (fall asleep) too fast, too slow
      • grudge with doctors (karmic, and/or bad diagnosis, worng answers)
      • repetition weakness – neutral to (repeat / not repeat) – neutral to “once and done” ..
    • (opposite) karma of keeping someone ELSE from sleeping.
  3. no sense of smell (related to taste)
    • silence (being silent) is the weakness.  (person says they don’t like noise).
      • (silence) karma “not allowing …. others to speak”.
      • experience of getting tongue cut out (can’t taste anything, means smell is affected too)
  4. hidden things (allergens are small, hard to see – “hidden”)
    • someone hides something from you, makes you cry (typical allergy symptom is running nose, etc).
      (misplace a small thing, bothers you 1000x more than big things)

The Session

Our first intuition – about the story, is usually; the cause-effect chain is often backwards … from what the client says – but, we start by asking the client….


Client:   I have all these allergies now.   I’ve gone to several specialists to figure this out..
I just don’t want to let things ‘pile up..  and get chronic..

Practitioner:  OK, Hmmm,  [intuit] pile up, chronic – there no weakness..

Your list – you actually have quite a few things that you’re sensitive to, that bother you, is that right?

Client:  Yes, at least 10.

Practitioner:   Well, [intuit]… I would say, actually, the thought of having NO bothers! …. bothers you
Let’s make it … so it’s OK – and get you neutral to the thought ofhaving “zero” of something – and be OK with it..
things – such as money, bothers, etc.

.. and… [intuit]…  well, let’s just say, you are actually bothered by other people’s… bothers… more than your own.
So, dealing with other people’s bothers 24/7 sure would make ME sensitive & knock over the energy, yes?..  worrying about another individuals’ bothers… 

We want our energy strong and neutral – and not to be bothered ( we call it “psychically bothered/resonating)” with another’s energy.    About 90% of that is resonating and pulling in that outside “bother” energy, that you’re not consciously aware of.


So, what I get from your energy:   First thing in the morning, you wake up – and you already have thoughts – mostly from others – that bothers you.    So, you say you can’t sleep… but, it’s actually – JUST THE OPPOSITE – it’s really you don’t want to wake up… 

So, that energy – is coming from your surroundings, then descendants, then  ancestors, then, let’s say collective humanity” is 4th.  OK, that’s enough…

We don’t want to be motivated – or influenced – by OTHER people’s bothers or bother energy.

Client:   I just felt something shift.
Practitioner:  This is a BIG ISSUE for some people.

When you’re affected by another energy or collective energies … eventually, you’ll be sensitive to everything that bothers them… it’s like they give you a reminder with their energy.. 

Now, let’s make it ok to have a reminder, or have no reminderforget, not forget...

You don’t want to give yourself a chronic condition to REMIND you … to have a constant reminder...
…. let’s… get you neutral – so you don’t need to re-experience anything.. (re-experience is sort of the same as a chronic thing)

Client:   I just took a deep breath – and I have trouble breathing and taking deep breaths … usually..

Practitioner:   Let’s (also) get rid of [intuit] anticipations and negative expectations – of disappointments in the future

Positive expectations…  let’s see – your energy is going weak to:

  • positive expectations  …
  • to getting better...

Let’s delete all that…  “when’s the shoe gonna drop” mentality..    This is a huge weakness for you – and many others.   It’s holding you back from noticing improvements and beneficial changes.

Again, let’s get you neutral to the idea of not anticipating ... to accepting – a surprise

So, not all is coming from you… ancestors… collective female “things get worse as you get older“.   You can – unknowingly – internalize that mantra – and it’s not even your stuff…    We want to be neutral to those – mostly negative –  stories..  neutral to < accepting/acknowledging/recognizing > – things can get better, too…

Aside (clearing ourselves vs outside us):   YUEN Method® focusses on finding the highest effect, biggest influence – which is often OUTSIDE us.    Clearing “me” .. profiling – could be only 5% or less…   With other modalities, if the practitioner is really good, they get 100% of the 5% (the “me” effects), but outside us (ancestors), could be 95%.. left on the table – and (the) ancestors are still complaining… and so you keep the symptom…

Many people never improve, because they never visit “outside (me)”  influences… when outside is the larger effect..

autoimmune and allergies
no sense of smell

Practitioner:   Hmm..  next on your list – no sense of smell...  Let’s see where that’s coming from.
…  [intuit] If someone whistled … just started whistling, that would bother you, yes?

Client:  Well, no, not really, but noise bothers me..

Practitioner:   Well, whistling is noise, yes?    Really you say it’s noise, but [intuit] –  it’s actually – just the opposite  – when there’s no noise

Client:   I just had an intense flush.

Practitioner:   [Intuit] Let’s go one deeper – and delete [Intuit] – “not allowing …. others to speak”.   This is a karmic experience [intuit] .. of putting limitations on others…  the “silencing treatment” ..  Clear feng shui (so-called environment energy)  too –  What about now?

Client:   Feeling really calm right now… and I’m not a calm person..

Practitioner:  So, let’s recap.   Some  (< 5%) of this hyper-<reaction> … comes from you.   But, many times karma, etc. comes from outside you.   The karmic effects here, we delete on the spot – and ask you if something changed.


Client:  So, next thing is – “I can’t sleep” .. it’s been a chronic thing for 20 years.. so, I can’t think cognitively… can’t focus because of this….

Practitioner:   Well, so you’re allergic to sleepOnly kidding.
So, you think your focus is what bothers you, right?   You can’t focus?

Client:  Yes, it’s memory… concentration..
I was told I have a problem with my APOE gene – it’s one of the 4 big risk for Alzheimer’s.  Do I have any weakness around that?

Practitioner:   Genes, [intuit] – nothing there..  Let’s look at focus… you’ve been thinking “this is what it is” for 20 years, so that’s been strengthened long ago..   So, that’s not what it is..   If you continue to think that .. it becomes misinterpretation… and that’s what comes up…
.. so, really, you want all your misinterpretation experiences cleared..   OK, let’s clear that for you… plus influences of misinterpretation from other people too..

Wait a second … it’s not so much… focus… but … [Intuit]

OK, I got it.. . Do you like being at the center of attention.. let’s say – people staring – at you?
Client:  I don’t know…  I have a skin affliction.. I hate going out in public when it’s flaring up…

Practitioner:   Let’s give an example..  Say, someone was staring at you – at a really bad time – like when you have no makeup… or during a flair up – when people focus ON YOU when you don’t want them to..

That’s what affects your ability to focus.

Let’s get you neutral… to … people looking at you at the wrong time ..  forever (into the future)
… and neutral to that never happening (surprise:  you’re already neutral to that extreme)..

So, to summarize:  The focus part is … well, things DO affect your focus, but it’s not because YOU can’t focus… it’s that you don’t like other people focusing ON YOU at the wrong time – and that affects your ability to focus….     Looks like it’s coming from ancestors … not so much a karma, just experiences… of ancestors… in the past were a famous person… but not in a good way…

So, if they [Intuit] recognize (you)… it’s the recognition that weakens you … too… let’s clear that layer… of recognizing…

Client:  Another deep, deep breath

Practitioner:  Let’s make it ok for people to recognize you … no matter if it’s a judged good or bad time.. “famous person problem”..   Your energy is strong and even/neutral  – so you can then pick the time and place where people see you… because now you’re neutral, you truly have no preference
…  your energy is like “I don’t care either way”.


Client:  Can we talk about SLEEPING? ..  I have stresses, fears – of not sleeping for almost 7 days…   It’s off and on, but in the last 7 =10 days… I wake … with racing mind.. and can’t turn it off… Also, I always feel hot in my bed.

Practitioner:   OK.  All your experiences  and experiences of others .. of ..
… you ancestors/descendants .. experience –  of bad things happening when you sleep + you died in your sleep… 200 years ago and 700 years ago…
(well, think about it, most of us will probably die in our sleep, not always, but it’s a common experience)

Some of your experiences
1) natural disaster while sleeping … it happens during sleep..   The ancestors… cumulative effect … is beyond infinite. DELETE.
Let’s unhook that from future & past…   + cumulative effect of memory, imprints of others that lived through it.

Clear Feng Shui of where you sleep… clear energy.. but, not in a ritual way…  We just check if it’s weak and move it out… so you don’t reinfect yourself.
You don’t need to light a candle or need incense… just strengthen it … and done.

Client:  Big breath.. with all the sleep things.

Practitioner:   There was an episode of the X-files:   Some super soldier that they experimented on:  He never slept…
There was someone from India – an older man, very famous case – he didn’t eat – I think after his wife died, he never ate again.

Same thing with sleep..   Let’s get rid of that load of all the “information effect” of insomnia.   If you have it, don’t have it..
It’s just sleep.
Let’s see the pentagon of <never – a little – a lot – fast – slow>..

This is another one of those “down to 0” stories.    Let’s get you neutral – if  – you have NO (zero) sleep –  that’s fine (you’re already neutral to that).

… so it’s that opposite end.. sleep a lot is like – you’ll never wake up… triggers a dying experience… Let’s get you neutral to that extreme of ” sleeping a lot ” and delete that triggering of a “dying” experience (sleep forever)..

And, let’s get you strong(ly) neutral – to not bring this energy back.

Chronic means ‘stable’ not moving.. you stabilize or others …. building not moving easy to blow up… if the building was moving – harder to resolve… it’s probably a story not moving – which is good..

OK, let’s strengthen your CNS again..  Your midline can go weak while working with the energy – let’s get that back up… strengthen the geometric foundations, that’s better..

One other thing coming up..  it’s from outside you (again):  Let’s call it the “wrong answers” of others – effect…

Your treatment(s) and doctors interaction.   Experts … told you many things that were wrong answers..  For example:

  • medical information (in general)
  • diagnosis, treatment… anything where you’ve seen the wrong treatment, wrong answers.. witnessing misdiagnosis…
    … this is affecting you – beyond infinity.  Let’s delete that down to 0/minus infinity..

Client:  Big release.

Practitioner:    Let’s get more specific.   Think of a doctor you don’t like
Client:   Oh, yeah, I know one – he’s so arrogant.

Practitioner:     Specifically, all the doctors you were exposed too, collective experiences of misdiagnosis, etc. DELETE
So, we want your energy more neutral so don’t have to repeat an experience – to resolve it.  Treatment is very much a repeating experience and we don’t want to attract that..    Neutral to “once and done”    How about now?

Client:  Better.

hidden things – small things

Practitioner:   Now, let’s see…  if … [intuit] OK, if someone HIDES something from you, would it bother you?
Do you have experiences like that?
Client:   Yes, I hate that…

Practioner:   What I get from your energy is:    hiding something from you (to deceive you and watch you fumble) is like [intuit]  ..
1000x worse – to you – than if you lost it or someone just threw it away (any other reason).  

2nd thing is:  If you hide something – and can’t find it… that bothers you right?

Client:  Yes

Practitioner:  So, hiding or hidden things really bothers you…  An allergen is kind of small, we could say “hard to see” or “hidden” … so if you have that energy of small / hidden things that bother you.. if we get you more NEUTRAL to that situation, you can deal with small things or things hard to see .. without any reaction..

Let’s clear that, some layers are karmic, some are just negative experiences and bringing in / resonating with energy from the collective.    Let’s get rid of all that…


When little or hidden things bother us, we’re more likely to attract or perpetuate symptoms being triggered that affect us on the physical and other levels.

See Also


Karma – Part 2 – Outside Influences

Resolving Karma – The Sequel

Companion video:  Karma Series #2: Karma’s Outside Influences (and how to resolve them)
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

In the first article about karma, we went over the basics.

Karmic elements are often thought of as what WE did .. to others.   But, more commonly we get karmic influences and energy from other not me influences such as:

  • ancestral, descendants chain – i.e. negative experiences of others
    (can be
    this life, but more often other lifetimes energy we need to dissipate)
  • spirit attachments
  • our (multiple) personalities of “self” – or personalities influences of others
  • others karmic energy –  to us due to resonance / tuning fork effects, etc


Karmic Energy & Manifestation

When we speak of the energy on the “giving” end of a karma, we have to also discuss the converse – which is the receiving side of the karma … or in YUEN Method, the hexagon of “negative life experiences“.    The RECEIVING end is the unresolved negative experience.

Hexagon of Negative Life Experiences
< trauma – illness – limitation – fear/phobias – karma (of karma) – miasm>

Different Types of Negative Experience Energy

There’s a difference between karmic energy & negative experience energy.. but it ties in to the “hexagon” above.

  • karmic energy is perpetrator energy (you did it).
    (e.g. a victim is tethered into you through your / ancestor / descendent  “chain” actions against them)
  • simple negative energies are just “unresolved” events, thoughts, experiences.
    (e.g. we can have “victim” energy of a karma … which is – to you – a negative experience.  Deleting it, dissipates the karmic tether from perpetrator)
  • miasminherited effects/imprints (memories) that reside in our CNS and cells affecting us in the here and now.

Where is the Karma Coming From?

Other modalities tend focus too much on the me (“work on myself” first) experiences.

We, of course have our own (“me”) karmic acts done to others, but just mathematically, there are many more ancestors, descendants that could “pass along” karmic energy towards us – and we often need to deal with this larger (outside) effect energies- before we deal with our own karma.

Clear Larger Effects – First

This is where, with simple (%) numerical profiling, we can tell what percentage (5%, 10%) is from “us” and how much from outside us (ancestors, descendants, etc, etc), so we focus on deleting the major sources first – and in the right order (highest effect first to lowest).

When we don’t achieve immediate results or large shifts – clearing karmas, go back.   We often intuit/discern that, yes, we cleared 100% – but it’s 100% of the 5% that is “us” (ours), and left 95% (outside us) “on the table” so-to-speak.

The Role of Curses

Curses are just long unresolved karmas; they have an intensity to them that – let’s say – “normal” karmas don’t have.    Karmas that last through many generations (time) – intensify their energy – as it appears to those (ancestors, etc) people involved they may NEVER get resolved.

Spell – negative influence SEEMs positive “give everyone benefit of the doubt”

The Physical Environment – Feng Shui

Sometimes we can sense and absorb (especially with empaths) karmic energy – from an environment we visit – whether physically or not.

  • Basic Feng Shui triad in YUEN Method®:   < home – work – school >
  • Other Elements:  <visit – read about – experience – see (pics, videos) – think about >

Negative energies in an environment i.e. “place” – can act as a barrier.    We consider this part of Feng Shui but not in the western sense about it – which is more superficial related to “flow”, etc. of a space.   Flow is one element, but it’s not the primary one we find in energetic testing.

Though, if karmic or negative experience energy – of any type – involves “place/space/location“, we need to clear that space/place so it doesn’t infect (affect) us – or others.   We don’t do this with external props (sage), we just find the energy of an area “weak” and with a thought, we strengthen it – dissipating the energy (sort of “push it out”).. and move on… done.    There’s no fanfare in YUEN Method® with a simple clearing of a space/place/location.

Break / Bend The Tuning Fork

We can sometimes attract experiences through tuning fork effects in our energy field .. things that resonate with the negative or karmic energy.    That’s the best reason we have to clear negative experiences energy from ourselves, our ancestors, etc –  to a more neutral energy – and less “drama energy
so as not to <create – attract – perpetuate> more negative experiences of these manifestations in our life – or the lives of those around us.

By tamping out the “tuning fork” effects – of resonance – this doesn’t mean we’re promoting positivity to overcome the negatives, we simply DELETE the negative(s) as we find them, and “energize our neutrality” (evenness) with a true – “meh, I can take it or leave it” – neutral energy.  

Some would call this neutral state “we don’t care either way” – as if  – it’s only the extremes of positive and negative (duality) we equalize – with the SAME energy… But, really, we want neutrality (no bias/preference) of all manifestation/outcomes/states  <positive / negative / anywhere in between>.  Our energy is then supporting & encompassing the widest set of possibilities .. with even energy… to attract and absorb less karmic or negative experience energy around us – that can influence our lives.


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Oh Sh!%, It’s ME! (“Healer” Effects)

Companion video:  Oh, Sh!%, It’s ME! (“Healer” Effects)
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

Ever have that sinking feeling in a Yuen Method or Neutrality session?

Client says ‘no change‘?   Perception block(s) not clearing? .

We’re ALMOST down to the last tool .. in our “energetic” swiss army knife …
 could it beME?Arrrrrghhh!!!!

What happens when it’s YOUR influence affecting the situation and you MISS it?


If you experience this early on, good for you – if you haven’t, then clearly you haven’t done enough of this work.

Commonly, our influence effect – as practitioners – is most likely to occur working with family members or someone connected to us in another time/space… (through karmic attraction).    This karmic attraction may not seem direct – at first – easily missed.

An often surprising element of connecting in sessions with someone’s energy (and stories) –  is  –  sometimes seeing if WE are in their “soup” –  and by how much, and when.

It could be embarrassing or surprising – but, to me, it’s a fist-pump moment when we get to that state of knowing the energetic effects we have on others.

This is no time from frustration
just humor & humility, “ooooh, sh$!, it’s me!!”

“Me” effects
Remember to check if – YOU are – the weakness; the “me” effects can come up anywhere in the session – depending on resonance, perhaps some story/experience you’re “energetically” blind to (because you’ve not yet cleared it in YOUR own energy)

A new practitioner may have their own time weakness – or weakness to “4”.   Harboring that energy, they unknowingly, and unconsciously PROJECT IT OUT – energizing an “aspirin effect” (wears off) trigger .. in their client(s).

4 days later, the symptoms come back.

We want to find these weaknesses in our energy – early – and clear them.   A neutral practitioner – even a new, inexperienced one -can stay patient with their insights – and will realize something is “off” … and not just forge ahead making assumptions… etc
“what’s wrong with the client’s energy?”.

Me, Me, Me

So, add “me” to the life influences pentagon (hexagon) – when it comes up…
< ancestors –  descendants – spirit attachments – personalities – collective –  and……. MEEEE?!#

Even with experienced practitioners, 1/4 of your clients will trigger some “me” experiences / influences.    It can be tilted as high as (60/40) towards US… (karmic) vs towards others… depending on the situation.

When we find and clear “me” effects, we actually help the client and ourselves (too).  Our insight grows wider (and we can now improve these folks we couldn’t in the past … when we had our “me” energetic “blinders” on)

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Same or Different?(Notice Change – Now!)


Companion video:  Same Or Different? Blocks to Perceiving Change
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

Notice what’s different, not what’s the same

When we work with new clients – especially those with pains

…  they expect us to use the same pain scale ( 1 to 10 ) measurement

…  that other modalities do.

And of course, we don’t.


We simply ask:  “Same or Different?”

Sometimes, clients don’t answer using our terms ..  not out of disrespect, but due to their own speech patterns.

We want to know if the client has experienced any perception of a shiftthe one that just took place.

We hear instead, variations of:

  • I’m a little better
  • it changed a little
  • it’s about a “6” now (when we didn’t suggest that scale)

Hmmm.    So, intuit / think the word “perception” … and likely it “goes weak“..    But, where do we go from here?

We know a shift took place.. that something is blocking the client… and we want to stay neutral and not unnaturally badgerforce the client into answering “same or different?” when they’re not ready.

So, the open ended question (to ourselves):

“where is it (their block) coming from …
to notice and answer “same or different?” 

When the client doesn’t respond “same” or “different” (to our prompts).. and offer phrases like “a little better” ..  we need to find the blocking weakness, shift/change the clients’ energy – so their neutral state allows them to notice more fully perceiveanswer.

From a practitioner point of view, we can’t have some “chip” on OUR shoulder about clients’ answering our questions..  If so, this means we’re not NEUTRAL in some way … and need to figure out why.

So, it’s always the open-ended question: “what’s blocking them?”

Here Comes The Judg(ment)
“A little bit”
.. is a judgment, so we switch to the < judgment – criticism – blaming > … triad..    We can simply clear the whole triad silently or we can  intuit which element is weakest (let’s say “criticism” goes weakest in the triad).   We strengthen the weakest one, then the triad as a whole (in a general way)..

We could also combine numerical profiling  as part of the conversation/strengthening…
You:  “Let’s see, that’s one of about (intuit) …  500,000 criticisms – affecting you (intuit) trillions of percent.”  (delete)
“OK, what are you noticing now?   Same or different?”  (again)

… and, the second time, the client still ignores your “same or different” choices …

So, there may be many threads to pull on… here…

Often, the energy blocking perception is a
more abstract or general  level issue (i.e. simpler)

Here are a handful of possibilities…

The client may have:

1) “stubbornness” energy
2)“(won’t) follow directions/instructions”.. energy…
3) deception weakness (won’t answer questions directly)
4) general “questioning” weakness
may trigger
a) “testing” weakness – and client may have bothers around testing others or being tested
   b)  (I already have) too many un-answered questions (don’t ask!)
5) accusation weakness (question triggers accusation)
6) weakness to “same” or “different” words
(don’t just go through a session “by rote” … YOUR words may be triggering THEM)
7) asking questions … is like … be(little)ing them .. condescending energy
8 )  forcing client to CHOOSE… (same/different) and choices .. goes weak
9)  question triggers “interrogation”

If one of the 8 above “goes weak”,  we strengthen it at a high level.   We can also posit a question to the client  (slight tangent with humor)... let’s say it’s #4..

Short snippet of a possible session exchange between client & practitioner

You:   “You (client) seem to ask a lot of questions… yes?”
Client: Yes, I do.

You:  “But, (intuit) you don’t like it when others asking you questions, or (intuit) answering questions, do you?”
“What I get is … you get (intuit) frustrated and a “little” angry when someone asks you a question and … (intuit) wants an immediate answer…   You have experiences like that?”
(let them tell you a short story and use that as a lasso to clear ALL experiences & thoughts like that… and go down that clearing path)

You:  “… OK, that’s ( clients’) one (story) of (intuit) 500,000 things that bother you about questions… let’s clear those experiences and get you neutral to (intuit) questions in general, not just answering or asking, but just ALL question(s)…
 Seems like any question – is triggering “I already have too many unanswered questions, I don’t want one more” energy…”

“How about now, same or different? .. about anyone asking you questions.. ”

Client: It’s different. I don’t care about questions..anymore

You:  “OK, now, let’s go back  – how’s your shoulder? same or different?”

It’s worth going through these few extra steps, since “questioning” may be a deeper clearing than an individuals’ shoulder pain they  presented to us & the clients’ energy immediately changes their behavior in the session and session will go better.

Remember, too, the energy of the behavior could come FROM YOU… towards them…   There can be many layers that influence anyone from perceiving changes.

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The Bruce L. And Dr. Kam Yuen Show

Bruce and Kam 

Well, that title is a teaser.    

I’m not referring to Bruce (Lee) – our Dr. Kam’s contemporary.   I mean Dr. Bruce Lipton (PhD) – a leading developmental biologist who wrote The Biology Of Belief.     Many of Dr. Lipton’s insights from his research – especially ‘energy psychology‘ (his term) being the best path to change – resonates with our YUEN  Method®  & neutrality concepts.

In a nutshell, Bruce describes 2 minds;  (a) conscious mind is creative/thinking and (b) sub-conscious is “programming” or ‘habits”.

YUEN Method® adds another mind “the non-conscious” to the 3 – to make it a triad.

We’ll discuss Liptons’ research and how both YUEN Method® & Bruce Liptons’ research and philosphy align – and how they differ in these areas.
  1. Conscious (mind) thinking
  2. Negative thinking/programming in our subconscious
  3. Re-Programming the subconscious mind.

How does Dr. Lipton’s work relate to YUEN Method® & neutrality?

Let’s look at 3 areas where we compare and contrast the two (with some heavy paraphrasing of the work built in for clarify & brevity).

1. Conscious (mind)

Bruce Lipton:   While consciously thinking;  We’re (often) unaware of our subconscious programming (95%) running in the background on “auto-pilot”.    Using a car analogy, Dr. Lipton says (paraphrase) – conscious mind thinking ‘lets go of the (steering) wheel” and subconscious programming takes over.

YUEN Method®:  Solely using our conscious mind (thinking we call it)  can’t access/reach real answers – only our insight (stop thinking & feel) gives us answers – based on feeling for strong and weak.

2. Negative thinking/programming in our subconscious

Bruce Lipton:  We get our programming (downloads) in the first 7 yearsof life during our “not conscious” phase, and from those experiences.   In our first 7 years of life, our brain is in “observe and record” mode; we’re not totally conscious yet (our child mind is in theta state).  This programming we record – then – affects our lives in the here and now; but we can – change – the programming by repetition, etc. “positive” thinking, affirmations, etc.

YUEN Method®:   Negative thinking connects – with us – in more ways than Bruce suggests
(a) we can also “tune in to” (psychic) energy collective of others with similar programming (amplifying the effects – could be infinite effect)
(b) we can inherit/download negative energy / programs / experiences.
i.e. This means we download “habits” or experiential energy – from many places such as:

  1. our ancestors – (in Yuen Method®, these “downloads” (imprints) happen without direct observation.
    This can be 90% of our programming “download” – it’s not just the first 7 years of life “recording”.
    Where Bruce says our (brain) “operating system”  starts as blank in childhood
    … ready to record – “starting from 0”.
    Yuen Method® posits we inherit this energy from many places – including our ancestors
    (e.g. At birth, we never start from 0 (programming); we can begin with 25-50% of our programming (operating system)  already “there”.   This programming can be “ours” from prior lifetimes or from our e.g. ancestors or their prior lifetimes and also from karma).   
  2. collective influence – e.g. resonating with experiences of all children, all men, all women, religious, ethnic/cultural, and past human experiences, etc too
  3. due to resonance – we seem to “download” collective experiences energy and programming that resonate with us – based on our (prior) lives or ancestors’ individual makeup and experiences.

3. Re-Programming the subconscious mind

Bruce’s “Biology of Belief” Programming is closest but not quite YUEN “weaknesses” (answers, energy)
How is YUEN Method® compared  to OTHER modalities in Bruce’s list of other energy psychology methods?
Bruce Lipton:  Changing “habits” (our programming) is often difficult.
To change habitual thinking / programming, we can use 3 techniques:
  1.  (good): theta states (hypnosis, all learning before age 7, re-programming during sleep)
  2.  (good): repetition (new “positive” mantras), practice, habituation, etc
  3.  (most effective): energy psychology (YUEN Method® would be considered energy psychology)

YUEN Method®:   We use our intuitive mind to access answers.
The difference is the:
  1. Stark simplicity and speed (1 second) of process;
     INTUITIVELY identifying what to de-program/DELETE (aka find the weakness“)
     (it’s not what we consciously think or SAY it is)
  2. Focus on immediate results –  DELETION (of the “bad” program) and re-programming in ONE step with results on-the-spot

So, again, Bruce Liptons repetitionhabituation (of a desired new behavior), hypnosis (theta state reprogramming) doesn’t have an exact equivalent in YUEN Method®.

With YUEN Method®, we don’t program a new behavior, per-se, we focus primarily – and PRECISELY on:

  • Intuiting EXACT answers
    (find weaknesses / imprints / programming in our energy)
     that are PRIMARY (90%) affecting us…
    … and we can numerical profile for accuracy.
    To others, getting EXACT answers may seem an arrogant statement  …
    …  but:  WHEN USING OUR INTUITION, WE’RE NOT GUESSING.  That’s important to note.
    Without  using  intuition, any answer is a guess (possibly a WAG) or assumption.
  • Removing the energetic negative effects of what we find is the cause or source
    (an energetic weakness and/or perception block)
  • Strengthening a person’s energy to a more neutral or even energy across all choices
    (the other extreme of our programming + all the infinite points in-between)

Once we remove the “energetic” signature / major effects, we – get neutral to all programming, positive or negative and in-between … that’s the best scenario.   When we’re neutral, there is no primary “program” coming to the fore … they’re all equal.

And, in YUEN Method®, we KNOW – through checking the energy (weakness) – WHICH “programming” is affecting us.   It’s usually NOT what a person may say “I fear failure”  – e.g. the CONSCIOUS thought.. which may resonate with other modalities, but not pass ourenergetic sniff test in YUEN Method®.

YUEN Method®  “(just) DELETE the stupid thing”

With YUEN Method®, and neutrality, we know we can INTUITIVELY – find a weakness– and DELETE  the “bad” programming (energy) in one second, not just momentarily “move it to the side” by downloading new programs alongside the old.   (the old programs are still there/active).

Even though we have access to new behaviors though Lipton’s re-programming, that doesn’t address the effects – and the old programming residing on the hard drive of our subconscious or from the “cloud” (collective “others” energy or energy from places or people in our ancestral chain that we connect with).

Me or Not Me?

If the programming comes from our ANCESTORs or KARMIC elements (from victims) giving us their energy as our programming, we can’t simply “shut it off” or override their energy with mantras “I’m gonna be a success” LoA type scenarios or “fake it till you make it”.

If that were true, everyone would get what they CONSCIOUSLY SAY they want – every time

Other techniques CAN work if the PRECISE BUTTON HIT IS the (energetic) weakness (in YUEN parlance).

Often, the person’s “guess” is 180 degrees off (success is the weakness, not failure)
… or the energy needs to be cleared OUTSIDE of them (karmic, ancestor. “collective”)FIRST – (since it’s the more primary EFFECT)  before the energy/programming in the subconscious is GONE/DELETED – or at least – NEUTRAL (EQUAL significance) …. to ANY experience (negative/positive) in our programming

Many may believe they have improvement with other techniques (and they may sense some) – but with energetic testing – in 1 second – we could reveal use of a side-stepping coping mechanism – due to when YUEN Method® calls false tools coping of (suppress, deny, lie, numb, shut down, forget, ignore/avoid).

Only clearing ancestors/karmic elements truly releases the tether (to our programming – and deletes it).


In the YUEN/neutrality world, the energy of negative programming (i.e. Bruce Liptons’ term) can also get more “tamped down” – or neutralized – by neutrality – i.e. “getting neutral” – such that something can shift..    It may SEEM (with neutrality) like we DELETED some program (we could), but really, we can just make things more “even” – energetically – so auto-pilot programming has multiple EQUAL/EVEN choices

Instant Results

YUEN Method® makes the more significant improvement – by deleting the old programming and the effects from ourselves and from other sources OUTSIDE us when necessary.. and it gives us a way to VERIFY OUR WORK MADE THE IMPROVEMENT (energy is strong).


Yes, You Can Resolve Your Karma

“ Karma is meant to be resolved.  It’s not meant to be re-lived. In a matter of seconds, you should know exactly what your karma is and you will not have that karma again. And the learning lessen people seem to want to find is – the resolving of these karmas without repeating the karmic experiences.”
– Dr. Kam Yuen, D.C. Yuen Method® Creator




Companion video:  Karma Series #1
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

A common western description of karma is: “what goes around comes around…” – like a boomerang –  or “cause and effect…”   Karmas can intensify – and accumulate energy – like any negative experience.

Karmas are often a primary – and mostly hidden – source of physical symptoms in our lives.

In Yuen Method®, karma is just another energetic weakness
to identify, strengthen and delete
on the spot



With all karmas, there is a victim (or victims) and a perpetrator.   A karma can be minor (lie, irritate someone, mislead them) or more severe (cause death, suffering).    There is no judgment of intention with a karma.  An unintentional karmic act committed is still a karma.

With Yuen Method®, we can resolve karmas easily by quickly identifying them with energetic testing.   And, of course,  just as important, we can identify when karma isn’t the major effect or influence.

When dealing with karma, there is no need to meet the person(s);  we can resolve karma through any time period or any layers of ancestors / descendants, or collective or cultural influences – in just seconds – and also check (the energy) that it is fully resolved.

The persons involved in the karmic act – whether victim(s) or perpetrator(s)don’t need to be alive / incarnate – to clear their karmas – this is key.   

Identifying and resolving karma with Yuen Method®
is as natural a thing as taking your next breath


Resolving karma in Yuen Method® is simple.

There is no need for props, complex or hard-to-pronounce terminology, reciting verses, studying/reading of ancient texts, visiting with some guru … or change in your belief system (if you have one).    We just identify the karma(s) and resolve them – on-the-spot – and improve the situation immediately.

Karmic effects in our everyday lives

In our own experiences (now or past), our actions can create karmas or karmic energies.   Also, karmic effects can arise from our relatives (ancestors, descendants, spouses, siblings, in-laws) to us – whether these people are still alive – or not.   We can even sense effects of someone else’s karma from the environment (a particular room of a house, a city or town, etc)

Karmic energy:

  • can come from many sources – our own, ancestors, descendants, collective (cultural, family, town)
  • of the victims and perpetrators is palpable
  • can affect our lives at many levels, not just spiritual or mental, but also physical
  • won’t dissipate organically without taking some action
  • often intensifies over time when it seems like the karma may never get resolved.
    This is why we want to identify and resolve all the karmas (ours or others) that affect us from our own lifetime or from all previous times.

Does “Good” Karma or Karmic Credit exist?

“Creating good karma” or “good karma” are phrases used to describe behavior that is judged beneficial to others. Many believe doing good deeds creates some kind of karmic credit (vs karmic debt).    This may seem logical, and it’s a nice sentiment for how we should treat others…

But, energetically, there is no such thing as karmic credit.

Unfortunately, there is no notion of energetic currency in the universe where (general) karmic credits cancel out past (specific) karmic debts.   We cannot lessen, eliminate or “cancel out” a specific karma by performing a larger number of unspecific good deeds we believe or judge to be “good”.

However, benefiting others is a good thing in and of itself  – and indirectly, while helping others, we’re not creating any new karma to resolve.

If we steal Jim’s money, we don’t resolve that karma
by giving money away to 100 or 10,000 others
that weren’t the victims of the original theft
(though the 10,000 people might be grateful!)

The different types of karmas

Many systems discuss karma in the context of ancient beliefs, writings and terms from hundreds or thousands of years ago.

Yuen Method® redefines how we deal with karmas and karmic energy in a simple and direct way, grouping types of karma  based on the actual karmic acts and relating the victims and perpetrators.    That’s really all that’s needed.

The 3 different types of karmas:  (let’s keep it simple with one perpetrator (John), one victim (Mike))

  1. direct – John directly with Mike
  2. partial indirect – only one of you is directly involved (John & Mike’s ancestor – Mike is involved as a victim through ancestral chain)
  3. (totally) indirectneither of you is directly involved (John’s ancestor with Mike’s ancestor, descendant, sibling, etc)

There is also the less common notion of “karma of karma” which means we caused or influenced someone else to commit a karmic act.    In karmic terms, we do not sidestep a karma by proxy (someone else does it on our behalf).  We are still responsible – even if we unconsciously have influenced someone.

Influencing others (intentionally / directly or not)
to commit a karmic act is called “karma of karma”

Identifying the general type of karma using energetic testing is how we begin to resolve it.

How to resolve karmas

By using energetic testing, energetic weaknesses that surface indicate the type of karma and who the karmic attachment comes from.    By identifying the type (direct, indirect, partial indirect), and with whom, we can strengthen the energy of the situation, resolve the karma and dissipate the karmic energy so the person feels a shift right away.

resolving karma this way means there is no need to:

  • meet or be near a person to resolve a karma with them or anyone in their present or past bloodline or family
  • (continue to) “pay the price” owed for the karmic debt
  • use the notion of equal suffering to resolve the debt

We resolve the karma energetically with no judgmentconditions, blame or grudges held or need for this debt to continue to exist.     It’s as if – the karmic act – never happened.

This on-the-spot resolving of karma – upsets some who have themselves (or ancestor) grudge / blame energies – or believe in  “equal suffering” or revenge for a karmic act.

We have to remember, resolving the karma is more important than rationalizing some excuse (grudge) to hold on to it.
It’s this “need to hold on” energy – that either energizes/creates/attracts/perpetuates the manifestations of – mostly negative – events &  physical symptoms in our lives .. to continually remind us/our true self – “you need to resolve these/this karma(s)”.

When we energetically check and still sense a need for grudges, blame or conditions – we resolve/dissipate those energies as well – so the person(s) let go of these energies.   Then, both the victim(s) and perpetrator(s) can move on.

Resolving karmas in the normal course of life

“You have to deal with your karma.
But how do you deal with it?
Well, you have to recognize it,
or at least acknowledge that there’s such a thing as karma
and that you could actually resolve it.
The whole lesson in life is to have the insight to resolve karma.
And, if we can’t resolve that, then what’s the sense of being here?”
– Dr. Kam Yuen, D.C.

The Yuen Method® provides a more concise and simple way to identify and resolve karmas.  Karmas – especially current day ones – occasionally do get resolved in the normal course of our lives, but it’s hit-or-miss or not complete.    Without using energetic testing and Yuen Method®, most current day or past karmas (ours or inherited) would at best get resolved by accident,  not by design or through awareness or conscious process.

Karmas and Beliefs / Belief Systems

Belief in karma or karmic debt is not required to resolve the karma or curses (i.e. inherited karma or negative experiences to resolve).

Some key points about belief systems related to karma:

  • Some alternative and other energetic modalities don’t consider karma as possible root causes of pain or life issues
  • Most energetic methods have no way to connect to the right answer needed to resolve karma.
    (type of karma, which direction, from whom … to whom) 
  • Most energetic methods don’t measure whether the karmic energy is
    • primary (i.e. significant – directly related to a pain/sensation) or
    • insignificant (minimal mental or physical effect).
  • Some believe karma can’t be resolved without re-incarnation and/or meeting up with the other person physically.
  • Some cultures and religious teachings believe karma exists, but a person can’t inherit karma (or curse) from an ancestor or anyone else

With Yuen Method®, we’re neutral and not limited by any belief system.   By using our insight, we reveal the karmic acts as they are – and resolve them – in all directions – and with all participants – quickly, and immediately change the energy of the situation.

When the karma is resolved, the energetic shift can be felt – on-the-spot.    For more information, see Karma – Part 2 – Outside Influences

Final Thoughts

To learn more about karmic influences on our daily lives and how to identify and resolve them using Yuen Method®,  schedule a consultation.

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Sessions: Money / Abundance

Companion video:  Money / Abundance Problems? – An Enlightening Session
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)


In Yuen Method®, when we look at someone’s story – say,  a financial / money struggle, we find finances

… is almost never the primary (#1) issue or energetic weakness

(even if someone is penniless)

And, of course, the “real” story – is usually one specific to the individual.

So, a generalized “finances tips: Step 1-2-3” cookie-cutter article never makes sense – because …

The person’s energy usually points us away from their presented story – and, in another direction – to start.

Finances – eventually – may come up as a primary weakness (after we clear away other more significant effects).

When it does, here is a non-exhaustive list of categories that could come up as finances-related weaknesses:
(there is no judgment in the list of negative/positive; and the energy of these experiences could be our own or from other places – e.g. our ancestors, etc)

Money Coming to Us

  • Not earned – win (lottery), reward, find, beg for/donated, inherited, given, charity
  • marry in to money
  • gambling (take money from other people)
  • stolen, pickpocket
  • extort, embezzle, bribe

Ways we earn money

  • job/salary/work (exchange time/skill for money)
  • dividends, interest
  • per diem/hour
  • appreciation
  • selling something

Ways we can handle money

  • count it (teller experience)
  • create/making/print (legitimate) or print it (counterfeit), launder it
  • keep track of it
  • collect/transport
  • divide up/distribute/exchange

Getting money in other ways

  • find or dig up (treasure hunt)
  • sell things – conversion / exchange (goods to money, services to money)
  • trading –  i.e. services for paper exchange is considered trading.

Getting “Paid” money

  • Pay Up Front
  • Pay After Service Rendered
  • Have an allowance or trust

Money moving away from us

  • lose
  • bills, payments
  • give away, charity, obligations
  • Subscription, mortgage – pay in installments


A Session – on Money/Abundance

Where do we start?
Let’s begin with a concrete example of a challenge with money/finances (and/or abundance) … that doesn’t start with finances, but can end up there.

A seemingly loosely non-finance related core or primary issue  –  can lead to a large energetic shift – or change – in the Yuen Method® leading life supports (i.e. fitness, relationships, money/finance, career, time, health).

Let’s examine a session – where a person begins stating a concern like:

“I worry and struggle with / about my money/abundance.”

So, we begin with a stated bother… and see where it leads.


Interviewer:   So, what bothers you about money or abundance?
Person:   It’s the biggest challenge for me, so far, nothing I’ve strengthened has helped.

   OK, let’s see where the energy leads us…   (intuit – to find an energetic weakness)…
… what I get is:   there’s no direct weaknesses to money or abundance – per-se .. 

… but the notion – or thought of – “finances” weakens your energy, but not in the “money/finances” sense ..

Finances for you … is like (intuit…) … “keeping track of things” … weakness.   Huh, that’s a new one!

Your energy says is not your own “keeping track ..” – but other people expect you to keep track of things – for them –  so they don’t have to –  and that kind of bothers you…

So, the idea of money/abundance is close to finances – it’s in the ballpark …
… but it’s really just a trigger to “keeping track of” experiences ..  that have not been resolved – first.   So, you make an unconscious, self-sabotaging choice to have “fewer” of things (money, other things) – so you have less to “keep track of”

Person:  That’s interesting.   It may be the reason why I couldn’t hold on to a lot of money and know only a few people.

  (intuit) And, remember, it’s not really your experiences, but some (intuit …) – descendants – energy.. coming to you … that they want you to resolve for them …  It’s negative – not so much the experiences – themselves – but the consequences of when they didn’t “keep track of” things … kind of a prison or incarceration or “trapped” type of experience … 

One other very important thing:  The descendants keep “ratcheting up” the message/signal, so you – feel the pressure – and un-consciously limit yourself – more and more.    And that’s important – you’re not CONSCIOUS of making these “limiting” choices .

In a way, you think this is a quirk in your personality – your “way”- to be …  but it’s not.    You’re unconsciously complying … to have the fewest of  things to “track” (abundance, finances, friends) – and it’s like saying – to the descendants
“is it enough?“… and the descendants say “no, you missed it”.

So, let’s clear this whole keeping track of … from your descendants … – not so much from this lifetime, but other lifetimes – and that “tether” to you…  and – make sure they get the message.

… Ok, now it’s strong – and strong for them that they “got the message” – the energy is gone, dissipated – that’s done.

So, now, if “keeping track of” is resolved, doesn’t bother you mentally – or energetically – and you’re neutral – and have no aversion to having a lot of “something (aka abundance of  friends, money, energy, etc) – you’ll be in a better place …

What does that seem like to you now?

Person That’s very remote (descendants) – I’m surprised something like this can influence one’s current life greatly.
Interviewer:  Yes, it can.   Remember, we’ve probably strengthened & resolved– a least a little bit – all the “this lifetime” stories – by thinking, recalling & re-experiencing them as memories.   And, in the abstract, when descendants comes up – in many cases –  the largest influence can be from some other  ( not current ) lifetime – so even more remote – and hidden.

As time goes on, and we keep “missing” the real story – as we said before, these descendants can ratchet up the signal
… when we don’t get the message.

Person  I felt a shift, less tension in my head, less anxiety.
Interviewer:  That’s good.   Remember, too, we’re not judging any answer.   These things can happen in our lifetime – or some other –  or the energy could come from another time / place / persons.    Just be neutral – whatever is found.    It’s just another weakness / story to strengthen and delete the effects of 

As Dr. Yuen would say (paraphrase):

“we don’t know it’s true or not true,
but if it comes up (as a weakness), we have to deal with it”
-Dr. Kam Yuen

Whew!   Now, Money / Finances Comes Up

Interviewer:  (continuing): 
So, once we cleared the other things, now money comes up
(This is often the case, money doesn’t show up first, but eventually, it can show up later on – it could be 5th or 3rd or 2nd in this case)

So, let’s look at money.   The many ways we can have or acquire money…
<always – never – a little – a lot – fast – slow> <== good hexagon for clearing a lot of things, addictions, etc.

So, (intuit) …
… there’s something coming up about – reaching out to someone – or someone reaching out to you
… that’s one way to “get” money..

… but, when looking at your energy – of you thinking of accepting .. e.g. money (earned, etc) –  from someone else –  for some people, there can be a weakening effect from unresolved begging experiences

In your specific case, that’s not it – accepting .. is more triggering experiences of ancestors stealing money …
… so, karmic experiences – this time from ancestors, not your experiences … 
… and that makes “accepting” – especially money – difficult … because, to you, accepting is like stealing
… accepting is always “tainted” so to speak – from the energy coming from your ancestors to you.

(we’ve talked about karmic effects  in other articles.  There are 2 articles (Part 1 & Part 2) about karma (Resolving Karma – Part 1 & Karma  Outside Influences – Part 2) but, basically, when spirits are in between lives, they actually can’t resolve their own karmas in non-physical form; that’s why we (living) often get their energy, or they direct our actions – through an ancestral chain – as “pawns” to resolve their karmas).


So, let’s visit acceptance – since it comes up …
… It’s interesting, a lot of people talk about self-acceptance as #1 (i.e. “new age” speak)
… but self-acceptance is not an issue – not a weakness – for most people
… the energy tells us – it’s more often about accepting (of things, money) from others – or being accepted BY OTHERS – that needs to be strengthened/resolved.

Let’s clear down through that layer …

OK, what does that seem like now, same or different?

Person:   Well, it seems like the same.
Interviewer:  Same.. (intuit…) hmmm.   Let’s clear one other thing first;  and I won’t mention what it is ... how about now?

 Now, I feel a difference.
Interviewer:   What came up is a shade of one of the items from the “Clearing Perception Blocks” article…
I forget which number it is  … but it lists elements that block shifts for some people…
… like the need tohear it, see it, read it

In your specific situation, I sensed a new block that I’ll now add to the list.

You had a need to “DIY” or “(I) need to do everything myself (please)!”.    For others, some other perception block could block them from noticing a change;   The accepting (help, earnings, friendship, etc) from others” was a real bother for you ..  another ‘accept/reject’ layer… it was another reminder of the “taint of accepting things” we already resolved for you …

So, let’s get you neutral to – accept/not accept (help) – reject/not reject ..   For you, “accept” and “not reject” goes weak.. “not reject” goes weaker.    Let’s clear away that next.

Yes, I am like that… I’d rather do things myself
Interviewer:   One more comes up… time … but not in normal sense.

It’s time – but not quite.  People taking your time – even if they pay you well – it’s like you’re TRADING … in this case it’s trading … your time for something (money) and you don’t like trading.

Do you have an experience like that?

Person:    Yes, I don’t like trading, or Yankee Swaps, because someone is always getting the better of me.
Interviewer:    Well, there’s some truth to that.

Your ancestors wildly cheated others trading with them (almost stealing) like the “buy Manhattan for a bag of beads” experience.   Very uneven experience.

How is it affecting you?  What I get is:
Every “pay you” experience – triggers –
 that “cheating tradereffect & energy – like you’re cheating someone every time you get paid… and projecting out that energy … repels people from wanting your services.

Your ancestors – are asking you (for help);  they want that karmic event resolved, so we’re doing that for them right now.

Your ancestors gave you that thought & energy so you could have/attract/experience “bad trading experiences” yourself  – in your own life .. and you think it’s about you, your experiences, but it’s the ancestors creating those experiences for you – to remind you of their karma they want resolved.

How’s that seem to you?   When you think of trading….

Person:  I felt a big shift on that one.   Now, trading doesn’t matter.
Interviewer:   So, now trading won’t bother you.  You can still stay away from Yankee Swaps if you choose, but in your business, you can accept money without triggering that trading weakness we’ve deleted… and your potential clients no longer sense “I don’t like trading” energy from you – projected out – so now you have a better future in getting paid.


When we use our intuition and feeling to find and clear away the real issues blocking our finances and abundance, and let loose of our story, huge shifts can occur.

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