
Meet Stephen Dupre, a YUEN Method® Certified Instructor – Certified by YUEN Method® founder Dr. Kam Yuen, D.C. Stephen is also the founder of The Power of Neutrality® – a supportive, complementary energy clearing technique to YUEN Method®. stepheninstructor-web2Certified Yuen Method Master









I was born and raised in Massachusetts and am a University of Massachusetts – Amherst graduate with a BS in Computer Systems Engineering and by day work for a well-known software company.

Always interested in wellness,  I studied areas as varied as frequency devices & electro medicine, nutrition, energy work modalities and eastern energetic methods beyond normal martial arts.  My journey into optimum wellness and energetic methods eventually led me to Dr. Kam Yuen D.C. creator of YUEN Method® – The Science of Immediate Results.

YUEN Method® put all the pieces together.  YUEN Method®  is simple, extremely fast, comprehensive and gets more consistent results than any other I’ve  experienced or witnessed.

A Writer, Teacher and Coach at Heart
One early realization was there was so little written about YUEN Method® – especially people’s personal experiences with learning and mastering the Method.   So, I started my own brand with 2 web sites – the primary one NowEnergetics – based on YUEN Method® and also The Power of Neutrality®, with the intention of sharing my experiences, knowledge and educating others as primary focus – even more so than doing sessions.

Prime Content – for Free
And I decided the educational content and materials I created for my websites would be free.   No gimmicks.   I believe  the content you see here – painstakingly composed, edited and collected from my own experiences, sessions and insights – and from Dr. YUEN’s lectures – are some of the best on the web for learning and understanding this Method.

While improving my own skills and doing remote sessions, I also started connecting with people using other modalities.  I began by visiting many “healer shares” in my local area and created my own share on Meetup.com.   Eventually, I rented a space to host a monthly event  – welcoming lay people and practitioners in other energetic modalities, not just YUEN Method®.    This event allowed participants to connect with this unique community and find what works best for them.

At times, the event drew 35-50 people that were able to sample all these modalities and also YUEN Method®

What is YUEN Method®?

Dr. Kam Yuen, D.C. – a Grandmaster of Tai Chi Praying Mantis Kung-Fu and a Doctor of Chiropractic – was the martial arts technical director of the original 1970’s Kung-Fu TV series with David Carradine.

The YUEN Method® is the culmination of Dr. Yuen’s 40+ years of experience teaching martial arts to students and working with individuals and their symptoms and ailments.   And it evolves still.

The YUEN Method® teaches us that the symptoms we sense are often manifestations of our life issues or inner conflicts of body/mind/spirit. The body is like a high-tech bio-computer and either on or off (strong or weak) to any given issue.   When we intuitively pinpoint the symptom root cause or primary weakness, the energy shifts and the symptom often disappears – on the spot.

The YUEN Method® is intuitively simple, fast and does not require physical contact or proximity to the person(s) being consulted.   

Private Consultations

Read my articles – get the “Delete Stress and Pain” book, and see if YUEN Method® resonates with you.  

Then,  Experience the YUEN Method® – firsthand by scheduling a session on my Zoho appointment page.

Private consultations can be enlightening – when we intuitively find answers and new insights into your situation.   Prepare to be surprised  – finding the truths in our symptoms can often be thought provoking, even humorous in many cases – and significant life improvements can occur very quickly.

As one of my primary focuses is to educate, in my sessions you’ll also learn about how to shift your own energy – and how this Method –  gives you useful life tools to take care of your own health and wellbeing.  My sessions are very much conversational, educational, interactive, and some say fun.

So, bring your sense of wonder;  there are no strict rules or requirements on your part in order to experience a shift in energy.  And we don’t need any rituals, special tools, environment or props or to be mind(ful) of anything.    Just come as you are.

I offer 30 and 60 minute phone, Skype or Zoom consultations for YUEN Method®

In person consults can be arranged locally if desired on a case-by-case basis.   (Note:  in-person or phone/Skype sessions have the same effect – distance and/or location has no influence on results).

Visit my scheduling a session appointment page or use the Contact Us page for general questions or for more information.