YUEN Method® for Dummies

Sheldon Cooper

I’m NOT a dummy

Hangin’ with Sheldon

Companion video: Hangin’ With Sheldon Cooper
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

I remember my first YUEN Method® class many years ago in Toronto – and also attending Dr. Kam’s usual “night before” free seminar preview of the training.

The audience of maybe 80-100 varied in age from what I could tell.

One lanky, bearded guy in the audience caught my attention    He looked well educated, maybe 35yrs old.   By his dress, I was fairly certain he was an engin-nerd type.

 (strangely, your humble author and even Dr. YUEN have backgrounds that includes being an engin-nerd)



Let’s call this person I observed – Sheldon Cooper

Sheldon was clearly skeptical.   Why?    Well, Sheldon thinks he understands quantum physics – how things really work.  He holds the common materialist view most highly educated people hold – without actually admitting they have that (a) “belief” system.

Perhaps someone familiar with YUEN Method® told Sheldon about Dr. Kam – and he came to the free, night-before presentation to get material to debunk the Method to his “believer” friend.

After Dr. Kams’ demonstration / presentation, I sat near Sheldon in the small hotel lobby –  looking at my notes – and overheard him on his cell phone.

(short snippet) “His (YUEN’s) diagnosis don’t make any sense … He’s not really DOING anything”…

Sheldon had dogmatically rejected what others experienced – and even what he saw with his own eyes.  Perhaps what Sheldon saw didn’t fit into a neat mathematical model or box – or reaffirm some “settled science” in this beliefs or of other physicists in his narrow “echo chamber” academic circles.

Skepticism … Hurts (really)

Sheldon was a textbook skeptic … and partly a cynic.

Sheldon would probably consider himself extremely open – when it comes to questioning everyone else’s beliefs – and especially others’ experiences… but he holds his own belief system sacred and unchanging (as correct).    He simply won’t question his own dogmatic beliefs – or even admit he also has them
… long enough to posit “
how is that/this physically possible?”.

As I can feel his energy now – from that time long ago – he saw our Dr. Kam – a man with mastery of this SIMPLE method (strong/weak) as some kind of charlatan –  a side-show snake-oil salesman.

Sheldon was only there to debunk – to confirm his own beliefs – and gather fuel to free others’ woo-woo minds from the “scam”.    He could brag to his Ph.D colleagues “I went to another fortune teller last night, what a phony”.   The herd wins again.

Continuing, Ahem ..Education

Like so many highly educated people, Sheldon was looking for something MORE COMPLICATED than what he could understand – as a measure of truth, usefulness or value.

When the concept was SIMPLE (and worked), his openness – what little he had – evaporated – in his uneasiness of being confused by what he saw.   Educated people often won’t explore anything that confuses them.    And, instead of introspection / questioning his own beliefs/education (“hmm… this isn’t what we are taught”), it triggered zealot mode in him – defending his education, “settled” science – more-or-less.. vs having a direct, and measurable experience (he didn’t go on stage to experience it)

The energetic weakness that applies here would be “the learning anchor” or “the academic mindset” (both “holding on” effects).

i.e. “Don’t stray from the herd (be safe)” beliefs – even if the herd is WRONG.

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”
— Nikola Tesla

Sheldons’ familiar story repeats –  especially with other modalities in the energy work or body work fields.     If the modality they’re familiar with is COMPLICATED and SLOW, and took much time / effort to LEARN – they can’t let go – and accept the simplicity or immediacy of YUEN Method®.

And, it’s their loss.

It’s best not to debate – or grieve for – or spend 1 second trying to convince the Sheldon Coopers – or give them more attention than they deserve.   As free people, we all make our own choices.  There are ~7.2 Billion people on planet earth – and only so many hours in a day to spread the simple truths we uncover in what we call YUEN Method®.

Sheldon:  “My back hurts – it must be coming from my back”..
Me: Yeah, I’d go with that Sheldon, I’m sure there’s a pill for that.   (Eventually, you’ll come around)

Authors Note:  None of us – as closet “Sheldons” – came to shift our beliefs overnight.  We had to be shown, over and over – throwing away what we thought we knew – before our own (new) experiences & realizations & insights –  forced a hard reset.

Our Dr. Kam freely offers (paraphrase) “hey, I thought this (conventional) way before too, but now I know the truth”.
.. and now, so do you.. if you choose.

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Sessions: Follow .. the Metaphor?

Follow .. The Metaphor?

In YUEN Method®, we often uncover surprising truths about the root causes of a complaint.

It sounds almost too simplistic, but the metaphors we use  – or that unconsciously “pop out” in our speech patterns – often reveal unexpected, surprising and sometimes humorous truths – and can lead to significant energy shifts.

Truthchanges the situation  – on the spot.   

Many metaphors create an energetic weakness (placeholder) for what YUEN Method® calls “cumulative effect” in a physical space or area of the body.   Metaphors also attract energies from others through resonance – the collective – (i.e. collective influence) giving us a double-whammy effect –  amplifying our symptom state.

Metaphorically Speaking, You’re the Pain in My Butt

In our “advanced” western societies –  as so-called educated people – we are culturally conditioned to look for – and accept or acknowledge – the complicated or serious answer(s) as “truth” (or closest to truth).    We often accept what we read from “experts” or “majority” beliefs without question.  e.g “back pain comes from my back”

As we enter adulthood, we turn to our logic – and lose our intuitive insight and sense of wonder/surprise, and often discount, ignore or reject – before even considering – a simple/easy/common or even juvenile answer – that may contain our truth – and resolve our problem…

And, herein lies the origin of a favorite Dr. Yuen quote “It’s so simple, you missed it.

Back to kindergarten basics

To get real insights & results, we need to use our intuition – not logic – and shift into a more neutral – and frankly – kindergarten mentality – to get answers.

This is a Yuen-ism that has truth to it.

That Crazy Practitioner!
The more successful YUEN Method® (or any modality) practitioners have a healthy (or warped) sense of humor, and are as playful as a 4-year old child, not self-conscious or afraid to be wrong/embarrassed by an answer they gain from intuition & insight.   Openness and neutrality in our intuition are key ingredients that draw answers towards us; and there should be no struggle or resistance in receiving these answers.    See The Answers in Our Energy

Demand Immediate Results
When we have no results – when nothing has changed – it’s important we acknowledge this – and prepare to move on from our “story” – immediately.   Our old story has no answers or resolution for us.

Being stubborn with our <beliefs, assumptions or expectations> (or those of other “experts”) – we perhaps believe if we simply wait loooooooong enough, eventually these assumptions will become truth, and we (or our “expert”) will be proven right.

Good luck with that.

The widely-held unconscious beliefs
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait” or
“Healing Takes Time”
blocks our openness to experience “Immediate Results”

Internalizing the above quotes “Good Things… “, etc.  programs a kind of stubbornness in us – to any change or improvement.   Improvement requires change from our current state, yes?   “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it”… mentality just energizes our stuck state.

Being defiant – and stubbornly holding on to the wrong answers (no results) – and waiting – isn’t some kind of virtue;  this behavior just energizes and attracts other stubborn things in our lives – that don’t move – and don’t go away – like symptoms…   Get neutral with stubborn.  (i.e. be open to change )

Seriously … wrong
It bears repeating;  there simply is too much seriousness in our dialog about health.

We don’t have health issues, we have life issues we need to resolve … causing our symptoms.
— LeRoy Malouf

Health is just one of 6 – major and equal – elements of our lives (and we should not make health #1 !! ):
The common YUEN Method® “life” elements list are:  <FitnessRelationshipsMoney/FinanceCareer/PurposeTime/Less AgingHealth>

Also, anytime we have too much seriousness, we lose our openness, neutrality, we make assumptions – so struggle and failure are not far behind.

Conventional methods and we (and often our clients) – through repetition of thinking/talking/worrying about the situation – have already strengthened all the serious assumptions and stories, and still have no answers, no change, NO RESULTS.

The Session

Let’s look at a simple example from a session:

  • back-breaking / pain in the butt


Client:   “Have this pain & soreness in my back for a very long time.”
Practitioner:   “Let’s see where that’s coming from (intuit) …

When I check your energy  there … well, there’s no weakness in energy there – so, it’s not coming from your back

Let’s pause for a moment.
For those new to YUEN Method® and this type of intuitive answer,

this “shifting out of the story” is the major insight we offer to clients
in one second.
Get out of your story

Let’s see – (intuit) – ah … how do I phrase this?  Do you like watching lazy people?   Or, if you worked with or saw someone that was really lazy, would that bother you?

Client:  That’s my pet peeve, if I watch someone idle or being lazy, it drives me nuts.  I like to stay busy.
Practitioner:   So, it bothers you – and you have that experience, yes?  I just want to establish a baseline.
Client:  Yes.

Practitioner:  So, if you could, I would say (intuit) …  you’d put them to work at some difficult job as punishment – like a coal mine or something.    Punishment for idleness, yes?

I’m kidding with you here a little to make a point, but you get the idea, yes?

Client:  Ha, Yes… I probably would …
Practitioner:   Hmmm, (intuit) – for many people, they don’t connect with a direct experience like that, but you do…
So, these people you want to punish for idleness – in general – are strangers, let’s say, not your ancestors, etc.

OK, let’s make that adjustment – what are you noticing,  now?

Client:  It’s about the same.
Practitioner:   There has been a change, I can sense a difference in your energy from before.

So, when you say “it’s the same”… let’s say  … you’re a little stubborn about things staying the same.   I’m getting that from your energy…

So, your perception is off – not complete, so you struggling with perceiving the shift…

Let’s look at – and clear – the most significant elements of your perception that block you, so you’ll notice.   (intuit)…

Let’s say “time” comes up #1 – it’s like (intuit) … 6 months to notice a change … “healing takes time” .. etc. .. that’s where the energy “goes weak” for you…
… and then, #2 is like (intuit) … judgment …   other’s judging you ;  your energy says you don’t like it when other people notice you’ve changed.   And that energetic block  –  actually you’re blocking yourself – keeps you from noticing changes.

pain in the butt

Let’s remove both of those perception blocks.    It’s kind of a defiant type of – “pain in the butt” experience .. in your direct experiences/spirit.     Have you ever had that experience – that you were a “pain in the butt” … about something trivial?

Client:  HA HA!     Yes, I can related to that.. I can sometimes be anal, a pain…

Practitioner:    And you seem to like it… being a “bump on the ass of progress” (– LeRoy Malouf)
Client:  That’s a funny expression.

Practitioner:  Well, “if the shoe fits…” only kidding…    Anyway, now, bend back and forth – how does your back seem now?

Client:  Wow, that’s interesting – I feel a difference.

Practitioner:   I haven’t given you all the key details ahead of time, because many times skeptical people say “I heard something you (practitioner) said and the “wishful thinking” is what made it better

But, here, I’m telling you now – what I found – AFTER you noticed improvement.

OK, basically, you had a lot of karmic experiences of breaking someone else’s back(s).. so-to-speak – working someone else hard – “causing pain to others”.    (intuit) I get this energy is from the now, and some other lifetimes – and those karmic “tethers” – from those victims – held very strong onto your back area to remind you.

We clear the energy of the karmic experiences by connecting with the victims and their energy and clearing them – to you… resolving the karma in one second…

And, as we always say,  “we don’t know if it’s true or not, but we sense it in your energy, and the proof of truth – is the results”

Either you felt a difference or you didn’t.

Revisiting “Lazy”
Practitioner: OK, now, let’s go back, and imagine you see someone lazy or idle, do you feel the same or different as before?
Client:  It seems blank now, I don’t care.

Practitioner:    You’re more ok and neutral with it now, right?    It’s much less significant an issue for you… and that’s what we want.   We want fewer things that bother us, create these blocks that give us symptoms.

Not that you’re more neutral, we can say that part of your personality of needing to be busy, not liking lazy people – a lot of it wasn’t coming directly from you, though you thought it was part of your personality…. Your whole life just changed in a moment, now you’re a different person.

Client:  That’s pretty crazy that something from the past could affect us so directly – yet invisibly – making us behave – or believe – a specific way.
Practitioner:   This happens all the time when we clear root causes…  It’s a huge shift for you..

You can goof off all you want now, right?  (laughs)…   You don’t have to be a serious busy-body anymore…  You can stop being hard on yourself when you’re not keeping busy all the time.. now that you’re more neutral with it.

Client:    Yes, I guess so, I never thought of that.   Boy, neutrality feels weird…

Practitioner:    OK, (intuit) I’ve got one more that comes up …  if someone lies to you, would that bother you?
Client:   Yes, it would – that bothers me a lot.

Practitioner:    Well, a lie is similar to a “wrong answer”, yes?
Like … when someone tells you your back pain comes from the back.

Let’s delete that – and the cumulative effect of:

  1. all the wrong answers you’ve experienced – back through time.   Now, you have a “clean slate” so-to-speak.
  2. and resonating with others who got wrong answers (collective influence from outside)

Wrong answers – from others and your beliefs – leaves you waiting in a “stuck” (no change) state over and over…   Now, change can be quicker and more natural for you …

… and one wrong answer … can’t trigger all those others – because we’ve deleted them.

Let’s also get you neutral to wrong answers too – for the future too – so nothing blocks you for discerning what is true or not true.

<right / not right, wrong / not wrong – neutral>

Also, the “from others” – outside you – collective influences resonance  – was like (intuit) 4x more than your own beliefs/influences… so that’s a good clearing for you…

Ok, how’s that seem?

Client:  Wow, that was a huge weight, I just took at deep breath.


Being bothered by something isn’t productive – and can give us symptoms.

Some people use bothers to SUPPLY the energy to DO something… and mis-label it motivation energy.    It’s better to be neutral and have no bothers.   Then, if we choose to do something, it’s from a neutral place of infinite, equal choices – with no “energetic” charge .. or bother energy.

Bothers can cause us to:

  • resonate with a common metaphor – and draw huge negative energy from the “collective human” experiences, or karmic experiences – toward us
  • project out / inherit energy (ancestors, physical area) to energize and manifest specific repeated experiences to remind us

Symptoms are our early-warning system;  by using Yuen Method’s “follow the weakness” – we are directed to the answer.     Just don’t fall into the trap of only looking for the “serious” path to the answer.

Follow the metaphors too; be open, childlike and neutral – and look – where it makes no logical sense…
… for the answers you seek.

The Romper Room awaits.

See Also

Is Our Something – About Nothing?

Companion video: Fear Of Lack/Nothing – The Real Problem
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

One of the many speed-bumps for new people in Yuen Method®
… is understanding the importance of neutrality to zero in its many forms.

Terms like “zero/minus-infinity” and “poverty stricken mentality” are mentioned often as what to strengthen and get neutral to.

So, what does it mean to be “strong to” (neutral to) something we likely don’t want – like having nothing or poverty stricken?   How can that be desired?

Well, it’s not that the notion – or experience of – poverty stricken is desired …
… but it IS a neutrality extreme – and one possible experience of many – to get/be neutral to
… the other end of that extreme is infinity – or infinite abundance.

Opposites and Triggers

Let’s take a concrete example when a client brings a complaint about a “nothing” problem (no income, etc)

“not having /lacking”

When we test for (a) weakness using Energetic Testing, if poverty – or the idea of not having things (nothing) –  seems to “go weak”, it may not be what we first think.

In the life problems triad of <issues – triggers – choices>, we may assume it’s always an issue.

By focussing on everything as an issue,
we get/strengthen the wrong answer – and nothing changes

Just as likely, the weakness could be:

  • a trigger – to the opposite – abundance – and that extreme is what needs to be strengthened or
  • a choice (subconscious or non-conscious) – to avoid something worse
    (e.g. another weakness that creates a huge reaction we want to avoid or a karmic effect, etc)

In this case, if we intuit trigger “goes weak”, and the weakness is a trigger to the opposite (weak), don’t worry.   The opposite(s) – is just another weakness to strengthen and delete (the triggers & effects of).   When we numerically profile, we can find the effects could be infinite.

So, let’s say this example could be a “zero trigger => to opposite => abundance weakness”

Triggers, as we’ve written about many times before – are by definition a misdirection.

the zero weakness

Let’s look at variations of what poverty / zero could mean:

  • nothing, none (lacking, having “zero” of something/including symptoms)
  • less (than what you want)
  • less than (what other people have)
  • poverty (less, nothing) triggers the opposite, when you had everything
  • unevenness of the two extremes.
  • poverty is a penance (choice or karmic curse) for prior deeds (e.g. stealing)
  • late to the party – “out of stock”, “gone”, “missing”

Experience(s) of “zero” weakness may be:

  • in your spirit or in your ancestors (descendants, etc) 
    (i.e. ancestor physical experiences – that became spiritual when they passed)
  • in the (physical) environment where you live or
  • projected by someone else into the situation (external and/or collective influences weak)
  • something else entirely

let’s also not forget
the “grading” weakness

The less-common opposite of zero – the “grading” weakness (to 100%) can also have an influence on manifestation
(can’t get more than 100% (better)).

This grading/”Range Effect” is the 9th perception block in the Clearing Perception Blocks article.


If “zero” is a weakness (as either an issue, trigger or choice), it’s tempting to do the by-rote and “blow past” (the Yuen Method®) … delete … to zero/minus infinity … with a strengthening/deletion.   In my experience, about 1/4 (25%) of first timers have some issue with zero – or getting closer to zero… so no strengthening they do “sticks”…    We call that the “zero weakness/ zero bounce” effect.

Zero as we know, has significance in our lives – and the lives of others – so it can also have influences  (collective and our own) on weaknesses we have.

In Yuen Method®, “nothing” is a something we often need to intuit as a weakness, clear its many facets – and get neutral to.

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Allergies – Your Undiscovered Story

Companion video: Allergies Series  (3 Parts)
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

Within the symptom – is the (often hidden) truth – and the answers we seek

When we discuss allergies and our reactions to physical substances, foods, etc, the logical assumption is – the reaction comes from something outside of us.

The substance is a trigger – just not the trigger we think.

Most allergy symptoms
are simply the physical manifestation of a story
from the past


When using energetic testing with YUEN Method®, we are open and neutral and consider anything and everything as possible answers in the situation.

Many times, the stories enfolded in the person’s energy make no sense to the person with symptoms.   It doesn’t matter.

The real proof that we’ve “hit the right button”(i.e. truth) – is in the immediate shift in energy the client feels “right now”, not days later.

Energetic testing with allergies reveals
the story – not the substance – comes first
and frequently the story
isn’t even OUR story

Stories for Specific Individuals

Common allergy symptoms (let’s take environmental first) are sneezing, watery eyes or runny nose.     Many allergies are triggers about rejecting (sneezing) past experiences or sadness (for things we – or someone in our ancestral chain – have experienced) .

If the energetic weakness or story comes from our ancestor or descendent from another time/place, we must clear their energy first, then the energetic effect to us.    When the stories triggering reactions are not ours – we must identify them as such – to fully resolve them.

“The Yuen Method® makes the stand that there are no physical causes of allergies.
– eBook on allergies written by Dr. Kam Yuen, D.C.

Let’s look at a few allergy stories from clients.  Notice there is always an emotional component to the reactions from allergies.

Allergic to Cats – Killing animals for their furs (skinning them and selling the furs)

You may say “well, I’ve never killed a cat or other animal”  Well, at this moment – consciously – that’s true.   But, your energy says you did it 400 years ago, and it still bothers/saddens you that you killed those animals.

Sentimental sadness for this action (consciously recollected or not) triggers the symptoms of sneezing (rejecting that we did it) or congestion/watery eyes (crying) as soon as your unconscious or conscious senses a cat or fur nearby.

Allergic to Tree Pollen – Sentimental sadness about trees being cut down.

In the past, this person had a job cutting down trees, or some kind of clear-cutting forest experiences.   Seeing trees bloom immediately triggers  the thought of a tree-less world.

Allergic to Dust – “Living in the desert” experiences.

We can get symptoms from outside our own experiences.
For example, a person’s ancestors had harsh experiences near the desert (tumbleweed) or dust-bowl experiences (no food) they want it resolved.

So, that experience energy – and the resonating connectionin our ancestral chain – creates that energetic tether – and reaction we say is “I’m allergic to dust”.    This is a common and typical example of an energetic trigger from an ancestor (not an individuals own personal experiences) – related to living in those conditions in the past – affecting us in the “now”.

These are just a few of the stories we can uncover with energetic testing.   Occasionally, there are common threads in certain allergies, but not as often as you’d think.

If any of the 3 stories above match your story,
you should feel a shift – on-the-spot
Lucky you.

Each individual has a story or stories enfolded in their energy waiting to be uncovered.    The story may not make logical sense and may or may not align with the particular belief system a person has.   We may have to clear a few perception blocks – keeping the person from noticing the energy shifts.

The person’s energy still shifts.

When a person feels/notices a shift in their energy
– on the spot –

we know there is truth to the story uncovered

If you’re ready to uncover the story or stories behind your symptoms, contact Stephen today to schedule a phone or Skype consultation.

See Also


Drama! Drama? Drama?!#%

Where’s the Fire?

We often observe dramas unfolding in every corner of our lives and the lives of others.

Well, how do we avoid – or minimize the effects of – and our participation in – the drama?

Well, one way is neutrality – by getting to NEUTRAL …

So, let’s say a drama occurs and we react, let’s step back for a moment …   are we neutral enough to recognize a drama
as an effectand not a root cause – so we don’t get sucked in?

Drama’s Roots

Our life issues aren’t always related to physical symptoms.   Our energy can also attract other situations or stories – such as dramas.

Dramas do serve a purpose.

Dramas are just our “true self” – or the universe’s mechanism (or sometimes weird sense-of-humor) that indicates – and informs us of – a life-issue or energetic weakness (e.g. something in our life we’ve put to the side) we need to resolve, strengthen and/or get neutral to..

The drama that manifests may have loose – or no – direct association to the energetic weakness we need to resolve.

So, the “what to resolve” message could be hidden, layered, or muddled – unless we can step back in to our neutrality and use our clear insight.

Some examples of struggles / weaknesses that attract dramas:

  • revenge/grudges/karmas
  • (the need to) get moving (or stop moving)
  • (the need to) slow down (or speed up)

These 3 examples can illicit a large physical reaction – typically cumulative-effect related – and may or may not come from us.    The out-of-proportion reaction is due to cumulative effect or collective influences (energy from us or others prior experiences, thoughts, actions, anticipations or expectations)

Notice the words “stress” or “anxiety”, and other loaded words aren’t mentioned.   Remember, the root cause of the drama (effect) clearing may lead us to things outside us.

And, by outside us, I don’t mean “crowds”, “sounds”, “smells”, etc (our 5 senses) – but the energy of other places, people, collective experiences that we pick up, “tune into” due to our beliefs, experiences, etc – most times unknowingly – when we have these energetic “attractors”.

Common Experiences
This is not some woo-woo methodology.    Simply put, everyone has COMMON experiences of outside influences dozens of time a day in our daily life.


  • Memories from past events.
  • Television or Movies.

We hear things on TV or video on our cell phones and react.   This is a common occurance.    Or, a better example; think of watching a 1930’s movie starring people long gone. Watching the movie taped in a different time, place – can elicit a physical reaction in us (sadness, happy, headache, etc) in the here and now.

Now, Let’s get neutral

The best thing to do is identify the drama and get neutral to it.  How do we do that?

We make the lasso of neutrality clearing … wide enough to get either:
1)  the more primary effect – or
2) the widest effect or set of extremes (if there is no clear primary element)

As mentioned before, the root cause of the drama clearing often leads us to causes outside us.   Many modalities don’t investigate outside energy influences effect on us and this is where they miss the mark.

The energy could come from anywho’s, anythingany-where or any-when.

When we find – and get neutral to – the real reasons, causes and sources of the drama …
…  we are more neutral and the need to <create – attract – perpetuate> a drama or dramas (to remind us) will disappear because there is no need to energize them.

That’s “Get Neutral to Dramas 101” in a nutshell.

See Also

Got Intuition? – Just Stop Thinking

Intuition and Thinking

Our insight – which is the triad of <feeling – perception – intuition> leads us to the right answers for a particular situation – when we feel for the answer(s).

Our logical, conscious thinking doesn’t find answers – it can only posit the question, and continues to ask questions.

Google has a cache of many trillions of tidbits of information – and maybe one applies to your situation – most likely none do.

So much for sifting through the sand for the one nugget of truth …

Finding an answer logically is like
finding a needle in the haystack
.. with your eyes closed

Those trillion wrong answers just make a situation even more hopeless.    Some experts may proclaim “this is the right answer!(called consensus or more accurately herd “science”) – and it may be right – for one or two people for every 10,000.     Talk about blind luck.

Where are the Experts?

The “Lots of ‘Facts’ / No Results” Dilemma

Most people we label as experts are drawn to herd consensus by training and education.  Intelligent / educated people would argue they don’t use consensus as a measure of truth; but of course, they do – every day.   Even so, do those consensus “truths” lead to any immediate results, or just interesting “expert” academic discussion and debate?

Educated? Guesses
No thanks, I’d rather have a “jumbo shrimp”

It sounds better when a phrase is prefixed with “educated”.   But, by using only our thinking, our “educated guess” becomes just a blind, baseless assumption in most cases – with no direct experience of an immediate result.

Simply said, if a consensus of opinion or belief – was true in your situation … the answer(s) – the energy from the “truth” of those answers – would change you – on-the-spot.

Most often, no change is observed based on expert assumptions/opinions, yet many still hold to consensus as the best route to truth.

And, worse, the collective energy of those people believing in the untruths of consensus weaken everyone else.   So, often, we first need to disconnect from – and delete the effects of  – the “energy” of collective influences (thoughts, beliefs, expectations, anticipations) – just to get clear answers.

Intuition and Logic

Logic has its place.   But, to get accurate answers, intuition needs to be strong and even – 50/50 with your (mental) logic. 

There are some who are mostly logical (analytic) or mostly intuitive.   There’s nothing wrong with logic – but it’s best to have a balance and evenness between logic and intuition so there are no conflict in either direction.

We want our wellness to be the product of having no energetic weaknesses that indirectly or directly affect our well-being.

Common Energetic Blocks to Intuition

  1. Thinking Is King
    Many logical people believe thinking is the same perceiving.   They have to think about something first, before they perceive it – and that’s their energetic block.  Thinking doesn’t lead to perception, it blocks and sabotages or distorts our intuition & perception and mostly leads to more thinking.
  2. The Academic Experience
    A typical academic energetic block is when someone has to hear it from others and see if there is consensus (herd) – all before something can change or occur.
  3. The Learning Experience – the Need to Understand First
    Conventional learning uses the order of:   thinking /learning => understanding.  The energetic block becomes; only when things are understood can we then (have an) experience of something new or different.   The “understanding first” mentality means there is always some struggle with new experiences  YUEN Method® teaches us we all can experience immediate change – without any struggle.

Conventional Learning
Hear/Read => Think  => Believe => Internalize => Understand => Experience
– need to go through 5 steps to experience

 How intuition and YUEN Method® work

Feel => Experience …   => . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .What is there to understand?

The Intuitive Advantage

Intuition leads us to exact answers that apply directly to the situation at hand.   This means we don’t parrot “educated guesses” from “experts”, use (statistical) consensus, “rules of thumb” or answers from books, Google.

We accept – and are neutral with – simply starting from scratch every time – from a position of neutrality – assuming  – and knowing – nothing.

Our neutrality and intuition draw the right answers to us – when we use an open-ended question like: “where is it (the weakness)  coming from?

Then, simply connect with the intuitive answers – in the moment.     No thinking required.

Related Articles

Clearing “Treatment Effect” Blocks

Beliefs and Effects

“I don’t notice any difference.”

Some have high resistance to sensing any immediate energetic shifts due to something called the “treatment effect.”

This effect is related to the energy of false logic or the internalized belief that repetition is required – for something to change.

The energy of this belief (ours and collective resonance) can strongly distort our perception.

Some harbor unconscious beliefs regarding “treat(ment)” or “treat(ing)” related to repetition or slowness:

  • Repetition.   A “Course of treat(ment)”  – and the word “course” itself connects with:
    • learning is repetitive, so improvement requires repetition
    • learning (for some) wasn’t that much fun (weakness).
    • lessons – requirement / completion of a number of tasks (3, 5, 100) before “done” (ready for change)
  • Slow.  Good things (like improvement) only happen slowly – so the anchor is; slowness is to be preferred (to get better).   By being averse to speed, we accept – and are anchored to – treat(ment) (i.e. improvement) – takes a long time …
    Our energy doesn’t support – i.e. we’re energetically weak to – first-time, immediate, or SPEED.  

The Energies Outside Us – Collective Influences

We can resonate with similar energy from others – so-called “collective influences” – reinforcing our (apparent) “stuck” state a thousand or million times.

For those in connecting improvement with treat(ment) – the energy doesn’t connect strongly – or at all – with immediate results or even positive anticipations, expectations or outcomes.  It’s as if we’re waiting to reach a certain, artificial threshold (2nd, 3rd try, etc) before improvement can be accepted – or allowed to be noticed.

Our perception block origin can come from the notion of dependency – of “needing help” (to improve) such as:

  • Intervention.   Treat(ment), first and foremost – requires help or intervention someone else. We “give up” and agree to the (repetitive) – and wait-and-see process  (i.e. improvement is never one-shot or immediate)

The “Aspirin Effect” / “Wears Off” Trigger

Even if we get by the perception blocks, once we shift, there is a follow-on weakness/phenomenon called the “aspirin effect”.

The aspirin effect weakness is similar to treat(ment) weakness; nothing is immediate or one-shot and on-the-spot.  And for those with the aspirin effect weakness – there is no strong energetic connection to lasting or permanent change.

This weakness means there is always some temporary improvement … just before things settle or revert back to the way they were.

If we as practitioners or our clients are energetically weak to the “aspirin effect”, our energy supports the “wears off” effect happening in a very short time...

The Paradox of Time

For those with this “aspirin effect” weakness, their energy supports both:

  • it takes a LONG TIME for things to improve
  • somehow, it only takes a SHORT TIME for any improvement to wear off

The Swallow / Pill Effect

If any of our treat(ment) involves swallowing, and we have some energetic weakness to the actual action or some related metaphor (e.g. “hard to swallow“) – we can trigger yet another effect called the “Pill Effect“.

An anticipation weakness can create the “wear off” or “pill effect”…   to remind us, we need to continually swallow something – most likely something we don’t to swallow (the uncomfortable truth).

We want to remove the cumulative effect of these influences (medical, pills, swallowing things, etc).

We also want to be neutral and strong – either way – so, if we do have to “take” or swallow something, we’re neutral to the best outcome.

Our Anticipations And Expectations

Calling something a treat(ment), therapy or session might trigger previous expectation, anticipation of negative or no outcomes such as:

  • the aspirin effect (wears off)
  • “tough pill to swallow” – experiences of swallowing things in your life (suppressing things)
  • shot triggers times you were punished (for laziness) – (need a ) “shot in the arm”.
  • weakness to go away/come back attracts this treatment effect (have to keep coming back).
  • chronic or treatment triggers something that’s “endless” or “continuous”
  • energy (individual and/or collective) only allows noticing incremental improvement, so person can – unconsciously – reject “treatment” as the solution

The wear-off effect of “good things come to an end” or “good things don’t last” is a resistance to positive changes occurring in the future and – especially – changes that last.

When we energetically clear and get neutral to all these “effects” mentioned, often a huge energy shift is acknowledged (or realization/perception of an energy shift that had already taken place).

By getting neutral to all treat(ment) effects discussed – we open ourselves up to perceiving real, beneficial change.

Related Articles

The Answers in Our Energy


“You see,
it’s so simple – you missed it”
– Dr. Kam Yuen
Founder of Yuen Method®

Looking ONLY At Our Energy – For Answers

Many of us want to find the answers to alleviate symptoms, aches and pains in ourselves or in others we care about.

If we use our energy and intuition (vs logical thinking), our search can lead us to the truth – to surprising answers as to the reasons, causes or sources related to what is presented – (e.g. “my back hurts”).

Even with a common symptom, typically, the right answer(s) – and the story that improves us – is unique to the person. 
(i.e. no cookie-cutter – one-size-fits-all answers)

While conventional methods or physical manipulation often gives relief, we also want to look at other related elements – so the problem does not recur.    And, what we find is;  most physical symptoms also involve a residual energetic component  that needs to be addressed.

And, in many cases, this energetic component – that we need to identify and neutralize – is the more primary cause of the discomfort.

What is an “energetic component”? 

There are various ways to check energyintuitively – to detect and measure the significance of these energetic effects – that give us symptoms and affect our physical being.

Dr. Kam Yuen – founder of YUEN Method® – decades ago – revealed the most accurate, unique and non-contact method of measuring our subtle energy and how the energetic weaknesses we find could point us directly to answers that resolve our situation.

We need no “enlightened” gurus, spiritual practices, meditation – or special tools or gadgets to measure energy this way.   We all have this innate ability within us.

And, the answers we find – energetically – quite often – do not agree with our logical story, conditioned thinking or conventional knowledge.
But, and this is important – these “right answer(s)” – found in our energy – will still shift us.

A Weakened Energy Field – Creates Symptoms

It’s so simple.    Our energy is either strong or weak to any issue.

And, only things that deplete or weaken our energy field – direct us to the answer(s) to our symptoms… and that weakness is also imprinted in our energy.

That means, if the (“picking up the chair…” ) story we think was the cause of – e.g. “my back hurts”- doesn’t present a weakness in our energy – it’s not the right answer or the story / issue to focus on!

When we (logically) thinkbelieve – or insist – the untrue “pick up chair” (wrong answer) story – is the answer –  we keep our symptom.

So, it’s that simple.  Really.

When we can intuitively discern / check a story or assumption doesn’t weaken or affect our energy, and is not the real cause, we call this being “energetically strong” (or neutral) to it.

So, energetically strong means => move on (immediately) from our story – and look somewhere else!!

Change The Story – Change The Outcome

Why is knowing the energetic state (of a story or symptom) so important?

Because, the story we first present is often “energetically strong” – and not the real or right story or cause.   So, by checking the energy, we can quickly change our focus – “it’s not that(it’s strong – no weakness).

This simple realization/shift opens us up to new insights – “what else could it be?”  – to change the outcome.

when nothing changes
we need to find a new story
(and don’t forget to throw away your old one)

In this new “wellness on-the-spot” YUEN Method® world, we quickly and intuitively look only at the energy – and not the (presented) story.

And, if we’re neutral, and open, our insight and intuition will be drawn to – and will attract  to us – the real answer(s) for our issue(s) or situation…

Following the Weakness – Gets Results

So, the best and fastest way to wellness “on-the-spot”, is to – feel for – and follow – what’s energetically weak –  “the weakness” – what really affects us in our energy – and throw away everything else.

The answer – our unique story – is all we need to shift…

. . . and, the right answer is enough

The right answersthe real story – is enfolded in our energy.    And, it’s commonly the simple, overlooked answer – found by intuitively following and finding what truthfully weakens our energy – that gets results.

It’s not complicated.    It takes only a second.

So, can you spare a moment – to change?

Related Articles

Yuen Method® – Where do I Start?

Where Do I Start?Beginnings – What does strong and weak mean?

Companion video: YUEN Method. Where Do I Start? 
(please subscribe to my NowEnergetics TV Youtube channel)

So, you’ve heard about Yuen Method® and strong and weak, and watched some videos or maybe purchased the  Delete Stress and Pain – on the Spot book, now what?   You need to experience more immediately (notice I didn’t say “learn” – a slow process)

Feeling for strong or weak energy – a.k.a. energetic testing – are principles of YUEN Method®.

YUEN Method® style energetic testing is a proven way – to get accurate answers – and shift – in a split second.
It’s based on results.

Using energetic testing to feel for strong/weak is light-years ahead of outdated and glacially-slow methods such as pulse, arm or muscle testing.

Energetic testing is a key and important aspect of doing this work, and is often not explained fully.

Read my  “What is Strong/Weak Energy?
and “Energetic Testing” articles
and experience it in a fun and playful way,
then move onto the next section

Beginnings – Get neutral first

Another principle of YUEN Method® is a state called neutrality.   We devote an entire web site to neutrality – called “The Power of Neutrality®” – but you can learn the beginnings of how and why to get neutral here.

Neutrality is often assumed to be equivalent to the “non’s”
non-(attachment, judgment, duality)
but neutrality is none of those things.   Really.

When we’re neutral, we open ourselves up to experiencing all possibilities and outcomes – equally, instead of energizing our current story or non-changing state with our “focussed”, stuck energy.

So, to begin:

  • get to neutral by reading the following (the words in bold – but not the details):
  • focus on the midline / spinal core of your body for 1 second (like a flash photo, on, then off)
  1. Strengthen knowing
    Strengthen to neutral for <not knowing anything,  knowing everything> as even – and delete any blocks to “knowing”.  When we have no energetic weaknesses to knowing, there are no blocks to getting answers.   If knowing bothers us, we’re not neutral and there will be uncertain or unsure energy in our answers of strong / weak – and inhibit our feeling.  (See “When Knowing is Painful” on neutrality website)
  2. Strengthen anticipation
    Strengthen to neutral for  <positive outcome, negative outcome> as even – and delete any blocks to evenness.
    (See Anticipation Hesitation on The Power Of Neutrality® website)
  3. Strengthen the experience
    Strengthen to neutral for <words / descriptions / thoughts / experiences / new> …. and delete blocks or related effects to the old story.
    See “My Pain comes from Where?”.
  4. Strengthen all (N) aspects of perception – ( unnamed ) – to notice changes
  5. Strengthen other related aspects that block shifts
    Be neutral to perceiving changes in the future and to continue to perceive the changes
    (whatever they are) with no energetic blocks of:

    1. Aspirin effect (“wear off” / “doesn’t last” effect)
      …. or need to swallow something (to get better)
    2. T-r-e-a-t(ment) effect (neutral to <repeating/not repeating> and <waiting/not waiting>)
      The “T” word is all about waiting (to get better), needing someone else to get better.
    3. Disappear effect (neutral to sudden loss or unexpected changes.  Neutral to both)
    4. Sentiments or remorse effect (neutral to losing, moving on (from your story))
    5. Complete deletion – without sentiments, or the need of reminders, remnants
      (program no “undelete” in your biocomputer trash can – no “restore” button)
    6. Speed – energetic support for speed in noticing changes; shifting into the future
      (past -> future – skip the present, present=>stuck).    See “Are you Addicted to Slowness?”
    7. No struggle – no need to struggle or suffer to get better.
    8. Testingthe experience in <learning, teaching, as a student, school experiences, the school itself, classmates>
      .. of being tested or testing others.
    9. Ready – Be <ready – willing – able – deserving – committed> to shift without
      holding back, sentiments, regrets or self-sabotage to block changes.
      … or of needing to be “healed” by someone else.  See “The Healer Belief
    10. Accept/Acknowledge/Recognize – we can get answers this way without blocks and drop our (old) story that doesn’t serve us.
    11. Effortlessness – this new way of looking at energy / information – quickly – and getting the right answers.   It doesn’t take effort or belief or intention.   It’s part of our innate human potential to be able do this.

Beginnings – Find the weakness

Let’s begin with taking a particular thing in your life that bothers you – and find an (energetic) weakness.
(in Yuen Method®, we also call this “follow the weakness”)

  1. State the problem in one/two words – (like “stress”)
  2. Energetically check strong/weak of #1
    (most likely what you suggest won’t “go weak” – it will test “strong” = not the issue)
  3. Start Again; is it coming from:
    (whichever is weaker in the pairs or triads below, write down what “tests” or “goes” weak)

    1. Physical/Non-Physical
    2. Inside / Outside (of you or person)
    3. Body / Mind / Spirit (the 3 parts of who you are)
    4. Localized or Referred (origin where you sense it, or not where you sense it)
    5. Some other thing / story –  move on from the old story!
      If the energy is strong = no effect – that’s not what it is!
  4. Restate what you now know.
    (e.g.  let’s say if non-physical tests weaker than physical;  if outside you tests weaker than inside)

The new starting point is:
The issue is non-physical and is coming from outside of you
this is all we know at the moment – a good start

From what we now know, we can begin to read the real story in our energy instead of the old story we currently have from our logic or mind/thinking.   We speed up our ability to improve on-the-spot when we accept, acknowledge and recognize our old story is not the answer.

Beginnings – Neutral to outcome

In YUEN Method®, we don’t focus on any desired outcome or the symptom or story our logical mind thinks it is;  we strengthen every energetic weakness we find with our intuition – and, simply, notice what happens in the next moment.

Are you noticing a shift?

After we find a weakness and strengthen it, ask yourself
(or the other person);

“What are you noticing, now?
Is it the same as before, or different?

If it’s “same”, identify and delete energetic blocks to shifting

We may have energetic PERCEPTION blocks to perceiving changes that have already taken place.  These blocks can come from everywhere and everything.   Below, we list some of the most common places.

Test each (in bold)  for weakness and strengthen when you or someone else isn’t noticing a change.

  1. Pentagon effect – <ancestors – descendants – personalities – spirit attachments – collective (gender, cultural, etc)>
    Other elements:   <spouses – in-laws – siblings – 
    friends >
  2. Karma<direct – indirect – partial indirect>
  3. Coping  <suppress – deny – lie – shutdown – forget – numbing>
  4. Empathy or Concern Effect for others
    Strengthen to neutral – for:

    1. <being first/not being first> and <being last / not being last>
      “OK to be (improve) first.” (and not be a martyr);  “OK to leave the group behind”
      It’s a nice sentiment, but we can’t help others by taking on their pain (to have even suffering with them) or by holding onto our (pains) longer (to prove our worthiness by our suffering or staying within a group).   
  5. Having Answers
    Strengthen to neutral – for:

    1. <having answers / not having answers>
    2. Strong to having no “blanks” or “gaps” (to filling in missing answers)
    3. <having questions/not having questions>
      (always questioning your answers vs just experiencing in the moment)
  6. Having nothing or having everything
    Strengthen to neutral – for:

    1. Having (zero) symptoms (nothing)
    2. Having greater than 100% improvement (everything (and more)).
      We can achieve 2 million percent improvement; strengthen your energy to reach higher.

More to come

These are just some of the simple principles of the YUEN Method®  that allow anyone to quickly identify weakness and improve our lives.   When we develop our intuition, we can read & evaluate our energy and gain useful insights – getting to our truth.   When we find & strengthen our energetic weaknesses, we improve ourselves to achieve the wellness we’ve been striving for.

Additional Resources


Perception – Clearing 19 Common Blocks


Companion video tutorial:  Clearing 18 Common Perception Blocks
(please subscribe to my YouTube channel)

This article describes the basic elements of perception – and what to look for and strengthen – when a client or person doesn’t perceive a shift.  (i.e. “It’s the same”)

Some people – their energy is such they simply won’t immediately PERCEIVE when energy shifts – and we need to intuit and KNOW when this is the case – so we can remove the (energetic) blocks keeping the person from noticing.

Dr. Yuen’s definition of perception in Yuen Method® is “fast feeling” of strong/weak energy – and one element of the INSIGHT TRIAD of <perception – intuition – feeling>.

Perception – in the more general sense – also refers to – perceivingand being consciously aware of –  when our energy  changes or shifts.   (“wow, I felt a difference, my back doesn’t hurt anymore”)

This awareness of an energy shift – comes from having all elements of the AWARENESS TRIAD is <non-conscious – conscious – subconscious> – strong to go with our strong perception – with no energetic blocks.

YouTube:  16 Common Perception Blocks (2 more #17 & 18)

Additional Resources

How to use this information

This article is divided into 2 main sections.

  1. section 1 describes all the elements of perception at a high level.
  2. section 2 has examples/more detail for each element in (1)

Beginnings – When We (or Clients) don’t perceive energy shifts

After strengthening an energetic weakness (or weaknesses) , some clients perceive an immediate shift; others have energetic weaknesses – to one or more facets of perception – that must be detected and addressed/cleared before they too can perceive a change or shift.

Trust the energetic test – if the energy tests strong for what we just did – and don’t assume something was “missed” or we failed in some way – just because the person doesn’t perceive an immediate shift.    

No perceived change/shift just means before going further, we take a short detour to address perception and awareness, until the person notices or acknowledges at least some (or a complete) shift.

For perception to be 100%, 100% of the time, the person must be neutral and energetically strong with (aka “have energetic support for”) all the elements of perception.

Beginnings – Checking Perception

When someone says “it’s the same” or “no change“, and we know and can sense the energy has shifted and been strengthened (strong), we need to look at perception.

It’s not complicated;  we just use one word – “perception (strong or weak?)

Quickly test;  Is it from inside or outside the person?   Which is weaker?
Often, the energetic block may come from outside the person – even from you –  we make no assumptions . . .

If we feel energetic weakness in “perception” (i.e. the word perception “goes weak” as we think/say it), then we follow that weakness and look at elements of perception that are blocking the person.

With elements of perception or anything else in YUEN Method®, we stay GENERAL at first and only get SPECIFIC when the general strengthening doesn’t clear a symptom or state.

So, to start GENERAL – say or think the following:

  • Strengthen  “all facets of perception that are weak” generally – without naming themto 100% with infinite potential, and anything blocking this – delete down to 0/minus infinity

Now, check again with the person (or with yourself)… “is it the same or different?”
If there is no significant shift, we may need to get more specific using the elements of perception list below.

Beginnings – The Many Facets of Perception

Below is a list of perception elements Dr. Yuen, D.C. has mentioned over the years.  Dr. Yuen has often said (paraphrase) “there’s a lot to getting perception right”.   Perception blocks can be related to individual or combinations of the following elements:

1.  MISINTERPRETATION (very common in first-time clients)

  1. Strengthen any weaknesses or struggle in the “opposing opposites” (misinterpretation) octagon for perceiving what is:
                <the same/not the same |  different/not different. |  changing/not changing |  perceiving/not perceiving>
  2. Strengthen neutrality in perceiving the changes and being neutral to => (having) perception/no perception
  3. Strengthen neutrality and delete any negative emotions, sensations, experiences (struggling, suffering, hurting, fighting) associated with your perception.


If “change” (aka misinterpretation)  is energetically weak, we may need to go one level deeper to clear at a more basic level than “misinterpretation”.    We call this deeper/more basic level – the DISCERNMENT hexagon.

a)  Strengthen any weaknesses or struggle and get neutral with:

< rejecting / not rejecting –  comparing / not comparing –  accepting /not accepting >

b) Make discernment a pentagon or hexagon, we could add <right – wrong> or neutral
(and, of course their opposites)

<compare – accept – reject – right – wrong – neutral>

c) Strengthen / remove any <judgment – criticism – blaming> related to DISCERNMENT


3.  TIME ELEMENT (common block)

  1. Strengthen any weakness in time factors related to speed.
           (NEVER (forever), eons, centuries, decades, years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes…..this moment)

    If “time” tests weak, go through the time list and ask the opened ended question “what element?  days, weeks, months, etc”

    Remember, there could be more than one “time” weakness

(common – judgment factors –  related to judgment, criticism or blame).

  1. Strengthen neutrality to others’ perception (influence)
  2. Strengthen previous perception (weaker & incomplete => strong & complete)
  3. Strengthen neutrality to how others perceive each other
  4. Strengthen neutrality to how we perceive ourselves
  5. Strengthen neutrality to how we perceive others
  6. Strengthen ancestors/collective limitations on our perception/intuition (“you can’t do this”)
  7. Strengthen neutrality to how other’s perceive us (not neutral can attract, perpetuate problem)
  8. Strengthen energetic support to keep & perceive the shifts <100%, 100% of the time, and infinite time>

5.  CONSCIOUS AWARENESS OF SHIFT (other opposites neutrality blocks)

  1. Strengthen & clear weakness to “holding on” to symptom
    (i.e. neutral to: go away, disappear, improve, get better, losing, normal, stable, over, forever, etc)


  1. Improvement triggers intensified symptoms. (can include other “opposites”)

When symptoms intensify, we must still stay neutral and not panic.   Check & strengthen reverse perception quickly and any time elements  (See #3 Time Elements) down to ‘this moment’ 

The simplest explanation of this is “the person has blocks (feels bad, doesn’t feel deserving) about getting better”.


Self-sabotage can weaken the person energy/neutrality to perceiving changes.

Self-sabotage is the shortened PENTAGON of: (NOT) <ready – willing – able – deserving – committed>



Complete perception means noticing shifts with no reversals.


Energetic weakness to 0 or 100%; the person stays in that (grading) range instead of infinite potential (>100%) or deleting to 0/minus infinity (clearing).


Some have energetic weakness in combining or mixing up thinking with perception and other elements.    In these cases, we need to identify and separate the elements that are combining or mixing – so a clear, separate and strong perception (of an answer or change) can occur.


Some with perfectionist tendencies might shift generally, but not perceive change due to “the need to be specific” about the reasons/causes/sources of their life problems.


Mind/Spirit memories are imprinted into physical area – and this affects perception of change.   There are often “Personal Profile” effects (who we / others think we are)  – that need to be cleared – that prevent us from perceiving shifts.


Having the need for internal pre-conditions may block or distort perception;   These THREE ELEMENTS are all SELF-LIMITING patterns that have the common element of a long waiting period… before allowing change to be perceived.


Sometimes, same/not same, different, not different, changing, not changing can be blocked by karmic effects from ancestors, etc.   This is often more that just distorted perception, and it completely blocks any conscious awareness of shift.

15.  TRUTH 

Our lack of neutrality to truth (true/not true, false/not false) can block perception.   We need to be strong to the “truth neutrality” pentagon

   <searching – finding.- knowing – believing – accepting>


Our experiences and triggers related opposites are often huge blocks to accepting a truth and shifting.   We thought it was this, but the real issue is the OPPOSITE.

Common elements – when something is the opposite of what we:

<thought – believed – expected – imagined – were told/taught/learned/read – experienced >


We – or our clients – can have weakness to experiences related to COMBINATIONS of 2,3,4 (any number of elements)… whereas each element in a particular list of items won’t “go weak” individually.


Perfectionists  (practitioner or client) – all-or-nothing energy can be projected into the situation – no improvement unless it’s TOTAL.  We, as practitioners and also clients – have to be neutral / satisfied with incremental improvement.

Being/becoming neutral (to the concept of “some”, “partial”, “a little”)
… supplies the energy to perceive (the) incremental improvement.

19.  Decade weakness (related to 3 Time Element somewhat)

Decade weakness can manifest at the boundaries of certain decades..
So, this often occurs “out of the blue” – over time.   We can have one or more decade weaknesses in our energy



Misinterpretation Octagon – a.k.a “Opposing Opposites”

<Same/not the same – different/not different – changing/not changing –  perception/no perception>

It could be spiritual experiences (ours or ancestors or collective, etc) that block the person perceiving the shift.   This could have a high cumulative effect against perceiving a shift that has already taken place.

Judgment: (Different) Being different (stick out)… might be punished/killed for it.
Beliefs: (Change) “Change is difficult”, “Change is dangerous”, “Change is bad”, “Changing the past to improve the future isn’t possible”,  “can’t change the future”
Safety/Concern: (Not the same) Not the same (“routine”) is uncomfortable, frightening, seems unsafe.
Awareness:     (Having) Perception strong and knowing you have it.

These MISINTERPRETATION – or “opposing opposites” elements are neutralities or things to get neutral to.  Some people are energetically weak to just one side – or for some – both sides – of these neutrality extremes.

Visit companion site
for more information about getting neutral in your daily life

Perception/No perception – Neutrality to perceiving the change

Perceive or noticing a change should not trigger
           <judgment, critique, rigid thinking> or any negative aspect, experience or thoughts that could weaken us.

Typical client phrases feedback:

  • judgment: “it’s a little better”, “I’m not sure”, “I can’t tell”
    • little –  person could be accustomed to not “having it all”, not “taking it all”  (accepting all/100%)
      (they have a altruistic or 
      martyr complex of sorts, “I can’t take a little of the strengthening for myself – give the rest to someone else”  first)
    • sure – never sure of anything, can’t accept any answer.
    • (can’t) tell – bothers them if they could tell, could know;  knowing (the truth/answer) experiences are mostly negative
  • certainty:   “(I) don’t know” (may be weak to “know”).    Related somewhat to “(1) Opposing Opposites”

What to strengthen or clear to neutral

  1. judgment/criticism aspects (theirs, yours or from others).
  2. knowing (the truth)
  3. certainty (of cumulative past negative experiences).

These 3 (and others) can be a tremendous energetic weaknesses to perceiving shifts.


We need to be energetically strong & neutral with comparing; and rejecting (the non-answers or things that are strong) and accepting (the weakness) – what’s left – as the answer.   This more basic and subtle element of perception is called discernment

< rejecting / not rejecting –  comparing / not comparing –  accepting /not accepting >

If rejecting (or accepting) bothers us, we will be blocked at comparinga basic element required to find a weakness.   Comparing precedes the accepting (of the answer) and rejecting (of anything not the answer).

These 3 pairs of opposites – the hexagon of discernment – can block answers from coming to us – even if we have no energetic weakness to misinterpretation, etc.

Also, insights working with discernment can lead us a layer deeper into other “energetically weak” areas such as the criticism triad of: 

<Judgement – Criticism – Blaming>

Judging or criticizing or blaming – for some people – can be a weakness underlying in the discernment hexagon.


Time Factor “Now!”

“Subconscious mind programming for time expectations is often far more negative than that of the conscious mind….. energetically bring the subconscious belief … down to right now, this minute. The conscious and subconscious minds are now congruent and working as a team.” (2002 article by Dr. Kam Yuen)

The block could be:

  • a specific belief “healing takes time” (2 weeks, 2 months) or
  • the concept of “immediate” or “fast” triggers “sloppy” or “rushing” (negative) experiences
    … or beliefs that create a limitation/block.

Numerically profile (if needed to be specific) to determine weakness. “this person will notice the shift in days,  months, years (weak);  how many (1,2,3,4 – weak) – 4 years”) – strengthen.

Even if time is strengthened, sometimes the person’s processing of “now” is slow…  so we may need to acknowledge to them …
“OK, you’re still processing…” – like the (busy) spinning icon on Windows or Macintosh

Some effects of perception speed can come from OUTSIDE us.   There could be friction around others being FASTER THAN YOU..  such as negative experiences (being dragged along against your will – for example).
… and that resistance can block your perception or your ability to perceive changes quickly.


There are many ways our own judgment or the influence from the judgment of others – can distort our own perception.   Practitioners can also influence clients in this way – if we’re not neutral to the elements listed below.

a)  Others’ perception influence
We may be psychically influenced by others’ interpretation over our own and that can energetically weaken perception.

b)  Our previous (weaker) ability to perceive (i.e. have strong intuition)
Being “great” at something suddenly – where no or little skill existed before – can weaken. For example, this could trigger “success” weakness or attracting people (weak) you don’t want to attract. (Hundreds of clients, etc)

c) how others’ perceive each other
When there is judgment and it weakens clients. The client might be blocked because they don’t want to improve (martyr complex, etc) when others haven’t yet (“I want to be last”, “don’t want to be better than someone else”)

d) how we perceive ourselves
The person may have experiences that something negative happened related to change or being different.   Needing to stubbornly hang on to an old story or sentiment, imprint or image of ourselves can be a huge energetic block.

e) how we perceive others 
The client or the practitioner might harbor judgment or beliefs that block perception (can happen when you work with someone close – like family members, spouse).

f) ancestors/collective influences limitations effect on us
Ancestors or collective influences limiting our perception “you can’t do this because we couldn’t!” Strengthen ancestor or collective influences, then delete effects to 0/minus infinity.

g) how others perceive us
If we change and lose our acne (for instance), others might say “hey, you’re beautiful” and that might weaken us (trigger) because we feel we might be enslaved… (ex: may trigger “being enslaved” spiritual experiences in past lives). That’s a block to resolution..

h) 100% perception/awareness, 100% of the time
People shift back because their energy they might be 100% supporting the shift, but only 2% of the time.

Make sure they’re strong to to the triad of <100%, 100% of the time & infinite time> (related to item “10”) – “infinite time” (a new concept in 2014) as part of the time awareness.

Blocks that came up in one group:

a) Ancestors – “future always uncertain” thought/experience. (uncertainly then, but that’s not the case now)
b) Prophets – Put limitation on everyone except themselves. “only I can have insight” – have to listen to them.
c) From inside us. “100% is all there is” (no notion of infinite potential or 100%/100% of the time).
d) “Miracle” (i.e. once in a while) effect.
e) From outside us. Gender inequality – block caused by unevenness and intuition of women vs logic in men.


A person could have a “Holding on”, ”Go Away” or “disappear” weakness

“There are some good things in your life, if they disappear, it would bother you. That’s why it’s hard for you to change for the better… You’re struggling with “things go away” in your life. That’s why you have a hard time – even BAD things don’t go away.  Because your non-conscious self cannot judge what is good or bad, so across-the- board, it won’t let anything go away
– Dr. Kam Yuen (2010 Science & Consciousness DVD)

We must be NEUTRAL to anything going away or disappearing – even the so-called “good” things.    This is a very typical energetic block.    Some are weak to losing (things, people) – so they hold on.   Having a “losing” weakness becomes a block to losing their symptoms.

Losing can also trigger sentimental sadness and grief of losing (people, everything, etc).

If losing comes up weak, sentimental sadness/grief might be weak and need to be deleted from their mind, spirit, body to perceive a shift. There are many shades of “holding on”. LISTEN TO A PERSON’S WORDS carefully when they give you feedback for the neutralities to clear for “holding on”.

“it hasn’t gone away” or “I’ve had this forever” or  “didn’t see an improvement”

Common “holding on” neutralities
(go away, disappear, improve, get better, losing, normal, stable, over, forever, having, lacking, stuck, etc)

Get Neutral/clear to neutral to the extremes of the opposing elements:

  • go away forever/ never go away
  • improve/never improve
  • get worse/not get worse
  • disappear/not disappear
  • remember/never remember
  • forget/never forget
  • reminder/no reminder, etc., etc

Also the person could have “no improvement” experiences/thinking of theirs or others (or ancestors, etc) of:

  • no improvement (“things never get better” or “things only get worse”)
  • improvement didn’t last long. (“good things don’t last”.. i.e. when’s that shoe gonna drop?)
  • improved, then got MUCH worse (“bad things always happen after good things”, “my luck will run out”)

DELETE all those “no improvement” experiences (and from cumulative effect of theirs, ancestors or others) and negative (or positive) expectation or anticipation (in the future).  This isn’t a neutrality, it’s a deletion.


“Reverse perception” is what occurs when someone’s symptoms suddenly intensify after an energetic strengthening.   The concept is; “when things get better, it triggers the opposite – symptoms get worse”. Another way of saying it is “the person feels bad about getting better”.

Unlike other perception facets, the person is aware something is changing with reverse perception, but the reaction (trigger) makes it worse by triggering the opposite. “Opposites” as a general weakness can intensify symptoms.


The person must be <ready, willing, able, deserving, committed> to getting better and perceiving the change.   Judgment often comes up when elements of self-sabotage are weak (i.e. “I’m not ready to get better”, ” I don’t deserve to get better”)

Historically, the self-sabotage pentagon used to go hand-in-hand with the “time” element (#2). There were additional elements
(see it, believe it, expect it, imagine it, imagination to reality, etc) found in the older YUEN Method® flowcharts.


Incomplete Perception.

Strengthen “INSUFFICIENT HEXAGON” in a general sense

(a) A person might want to hold on to a little bit (as a memory because they have a remember or reminder energetic weakness).   One or more of these words could show energetic weakness.   As always, strengthen the “INSUFFICIENT PENTAGON” – generally – (i.e at the general level) first and see if there is a shift before getting specific.

(b) We want our / our clients to have COMPLETE perception;  to be <100% – 100% of the time – + infinite time >.

If INCOMPLETE perception comes up, strengthen and delete the effects of – anything – <creating / attracting / perpetuating> aka “energizing” –  having only partial perception (e.g. 100% for 5 minutes, then it rolls back)


A person can oscillate somewhere between 0 and 100% because:

a) painful to get to – or below 0 (0 bank account (debt), 0 possessions, 0=I’m nothing, poverty-stricken mentality, etc.)
b) >100% weakness:

(1) Belief: 100% means better than anyone => may weaken us
(2) Beliefs about > 100%
(3) maintain 100% is not possible
(4) Belief:  100% is all there is – can’t get higher  – i.e. poverty stricken mentality (same for “0”)

Range effects can also trigger collective, personal or ancestor/descendant learning experience weakness related to grading
a) getting bad grades (improvement will always range in middle between 0-100)
b) giving bad grades (as a teacher)


Many highly logical thinkers can’t perceive anything until they think about it first.

So, they think, think, think about something – and wait / wonder when they’re going to perceive anything.    The think first, then perceive” belief can become a huge energetic block to perceiving any shift.

Many “thinkers” can’t shut off or let go of their thinking – ever – to intuitively feel for strong/weak – or notice something has shifted.

Also, logic / intuition needs to be even – at 50/50 ratio.    Many thinkers have this ratio closer to 100%/0%.

a)  First, strengthen logic/intuition to be 50/50.

b)  Second,  check and strengthen an weaknesses in the separation of (in both directions):

  1. Perception from thinking
  2. Emotions from thinking
  3. Emotions from  feeling    (we don’t “feel” sad, feel or feeling is just strong or weak, sad is an emotion)
  4. Sensations from thinking
  5. Reactions from thinking
  6. Sensations from perception  (of change)
    (e.g. pain (a sensation) mixed in with perception or an experience or experiences)

When 2 or more things are grouped together as a weakness, we call this “compound weakness”, they could create a pain, or simply block our ability to perceive a change until we separate them first.

A good – let’s call it the “SEPARATION HEXAGON” for clearing / separation of these elements is:  (any pair, combination of 2,3,4,5 could weaken)

<emotions – thinking – feeling – sensations – reactions – perception>

Why do we need to separate thinking?
For some, thinking, emotions or even sensations can get mixed up – and combined with – perception – distorting our or others’ perception.

We want all these elements separate, so a person can get a clear feeling (of strong/weak) and perception – without their thinking distorting / influencing / blocking it.

c)  Lastly, delete all previous experiences (past) where thinking combined with or was mixed up with any combination of the elements above, so this won’t happen again in the future.

Often, we misinterpret or misidentify an emotion with feeling (of strong/weak) or a emotion with thinking.

This is yet another block to perception, caused primarily by our assumptions,  judgment or beliefs when we overuse  or over-emphasize our thinking over our intuition to get an answer.


When there is a need to specify things –  to get specific – this tendency or need can block perception of change.

GENERAL DELETION – or deletion in the general sense – did shift the person, but the need to be specific becomes another energetic block – another layer to get neutral to and clear away.

So, for those with (get) SPECIFIC weakness,  we  STRENGTHEN:

  1. Neutrality of being GENERAL/NOT GENERAL   SPECIFIC/NOT SPECIFIC to 100% with infinite potential
  2. Profile (if needed) the number of SPECIFIC things to delete;  and delete 1 to N (specifically) down to zero/minus infinity.
  3. Delete any previous < thoughts, memories or experiences> of needing to be SPECIFIC… so it doesn’t persist as an energetic block into the future.

Then, ask if the person (or gauge yourself) whether something has shifted.

Ideally, we want the person to – in the future – accept GENERAL strengthening so things can be perceived faster.


Our mental / thinking and spiritual imprints of experiences from the past – can sabotage – and make us misinterpret – the energetic shift that has occurred.  The mind wants to be the boss.  It can influence us such that the shift isn’t perceived:

  • “We can’t be different than 5 seconds ago”  (nothing can change that fast!)

One related pentagon is what was called the “Personal Profile” (who you are):

<sentiments – imprints – memories – roles – identities>

  • Sentiments – sentimental (looking back or forward) elements of what:
       Past: could have been, might have been;   Future:  could be , might be
  • Imprints:  (limiting beliefs –  often from others –  ancestor, collective, etc, influences) of what we’re told we:
        should do/shouldn’t do, can do/can’t do, must do, mustn’t do.
    Sometimes, these “limiting” imprints can have roots in karmas (either to us or from us) that need to be cleared. 
  • Memories – painful, re-cycled
  • Roles – taking on  a certain role
    “(I’m the) oldest, youngest, care giver, empathic one, etc, (I’m the) beast of burden (in the family)” …
  • Identities – how we (or others) identify us:  “I’m the clumsy, (gets) sick, forgetful, unreliable – person”

We delete these imprints and residuals related to speed and past thinking and experiences – down to the quantum level and in the spaces – so it doesn’t carry forward into our future.


Often, we have mental stories (idioms) or patterns that cause us to “wait and see”  (focus on the “wait”) – before we can (allow) / perceive a change.

  • story or excuse:  satisfy an internal story or pattern (usually related to idiom(s):   “gotta get my ducks in a row”)
  • academic:  waiting for understanding (it), teacher (explain it), consensus (approval)
  • environment:   needs quiet, solitude, free of distractions
  • 100% guarantee (outcome, change, resolution)

Other less common examples / requirements are weaknesses to:

    This person may not perceive a shift until after they hear you describe what was done.  
    Person won’t perceive anything until they READ IT  on paper.
  • FACE-TO-FACE (new!)- “Believe nothing you read and only half of what you see” weakness.
    The person won’t accept / believe it (at all) until they can – literally – watch the person saying it.
    Having a block of “acceptance” (of the TRUTH) means they won’t notice any energy shift(s).
    “SEEING IS BELIEVING” is another shade of this block.
  • BELIEVE IT – usually tied into CONSENSUS or other blocks
  • “DIY” effect – “(need to) DO IT MYSELF” (aka the ‘HGTV’ block)
    (related to the other 2)
  • TOUCHED – Need to Be Touched/Not touched (to heal, get better)
  • CONSENSUS / crowd acceptance (before we “accept” anything – i.e. a shift)aka The “Academic Block”
  • YOU FIRST effect – some can’t accept shifts until others improve before them.   (Martyr weakness)
    They’re struggling/afraid to improve (i.e. show improvement) …
    when others haven’t improvedeven if their energy shifted.
    A condition for improvement could be to create / manifest/ wait for … a “threshold of suffering” (i.e. an altruistic “evenness amount of suffering”)  – before allowing / accepting /noticing improvement (the energy shift that’s already taken place) for themselves.



Karmic effects – from inside and outside us – can create huge blocks to perceiving energy shifts.   Loosely related to the Misinterpretation Octagon (same/not same, etc).    Useful articles for clearing in this section are Resolving Karma” and Can You Tell The Difference

Most karmic effects relate directly to certain aspects of what YUEN Method® calls “negative life experiences” :  (trauma, limitation, fears, etc) that we inflict on others (or our ancestors/descendants did)

Some examples:

  • deception karmic weakness (different/not different)
    A person may sense:
    No change.   By deceiving someone (you, ancestor, etc) in the past, that karmic energy can manifest as the victims’ energy “hiding” (deceiving) us completely from perceiving any energy shift.    That’s a significant karmic tether into us…  and a very subtle energetic block to detect (with huge effect)
    limitation – a limitation karmic effect
    A person may sense:
    1) a “holding back” (small improvement for a short time, then roll back)
    2) sudden physical limitation at that moment
  • fears  – instilling fear in others is a powerful karmic effect.
    A person may sense:
    1) fear from karmic victims may manifest to you / client as sensing a sudden intense fear in place of energy shift.
  • trauma – when trauma is part of a clients’ “negative experiences” clearing (and the client (or ancestors) have karmic experiences of traumatizing others)
    A person may sense:
    1) sudden sensations of pain, discomfort, irritation, etc that the karmic victims experienced

With all these karmic effects blocking perception, we have to clear the karmic tether(s) – FIRST – before we uncover our (or our clients’) energy shift that has already occurred.


15.  TRUTH 

Our lack of neutrality to truth (true/not true, false/not false) can be blocked by many factors – and this would block or distort perception.

Our acceptance of our truth can be distorted by weakness to:

  • clarity/confusion (can’t DISCERN it < compare – accept – reject > )
  • the pentagon of “truth neutrality”    <searching – finding.- knowing – believing – accepting>

We can also choose to use “coping mechanisms” aka YUEN Method®false tools” hexagon to  avoid truth.   Another area to clear so a person can perceive & accept their truth

<suppress.- deny – lie (to yourself) – forget – numbing – shut down>


Opposites are many-fold in their influences in blocking our perception.   Our truths are so often opposites, so this is a critical element to visit in perception.

Some common blocks related to opposites:

  • what is truth/true  is the OPPOSITE of what we
    <thought – believed – expected – imagined – were told/taught/learned/read – experienced >
  • karmic-related opposites – deception (telling someone the opposite)
  • collective influences – leaving the herd belief in a falsehood for the isolation we experience living in (our) truth

The cumulative energetic weakening effects of OPPOSITES experiences (and triggers) – from ourselves and others – can make us prefer not to perceive any “truth” that is an opposite.

Numerically profile (‘how many opposites?’) and clear:

  • opposites – generally, AS A GROUP – along with triggers..( to remove the major energetic anchor to perceiving )
  • opposites from outside influences – (we could get effects from our ancestors, Feng shui, etc)


Combination weakness is often missed.    This is the notion that individual elements (1,2,3,4) are strong SEPARATELY, but can “go weak” – when COMBINED together.    We want our energy neutral and strong for combinations of things (too)

Common “Healer” effects
A combination weakness example in the energy work field (or in our clients) is assisting; e.g. (heal(ing)) + abundance.

The healer experience – or “vow of poverty” energy – is where poverty is seen as more noble than … trading time/experience for money.    We can project out that energy, and repel money/abundance (or attract poverty experiences or clients with mostly poverty experiences).

At times, MORE than 1 combination  (lets say a list of 3 or.5) can “go weak”, so it can be ‘combinations of 3,2,1″.

A COMBINED WEAKNESS can be as abstract as “weakness of 3s” – IN GENERAL – and that means triads (e.g. <body/mind/spirit>) that we strengthen – won’t stay strong…

And, as with most things, if something is not clearing, the answer isn’t to seek out a MORE COMPLICATED ANSWER (dig deeper)- but the SIMPLER one. (the more abstract  – e.g. “things in 3’s” weakness).

And, it’s simple in the sense of – a large cumulative effect of a SIMPLE concept .  For example, having 1 million negative 3’s experiences – with profiling giving us a cumulative effect of 10 million percent – is not COMPLICATED.

Often the “cumulative” energetic influence of a simple thing – is MUCH larger than what we may logically – and incorrectly – think (i.e. that our problem is a one-time, one-big-button event/thing).


Client has to be strong to – be satisfied with – and have neutrality forINCREMENTAL improvement.   When we “follow the weakness”, we are  strengthening – incrementally – everything we find along the way – with immediate results.

Those expecting the “one big button” weakness (one issue/100%) – will achieve spotty results – because everyone – and every issue – is different.

The perfectionists’ expectation:  “(I want) Everything at once – and – immediate results (too)” – can block us (or our clients) from noticing ANY improvement.    The all-or-nothing concept – is an important block to clear for perfectionists.
(either for client or practitioner – or both – as we often – with our energy – attract clients that highlight our own weaknesses)

The word choices and weight of the (our) complaints – are hints – to what the practitioner needs to get neutral to.

1 or 0 speech patterns/terminology – perfectionist => exposed!!
is working” or “I tried everything” or “I’m getting 100% but (they) perceive nothing

Perfections often have what I call “Beavis and Butthead” (0 or 1 – “it sucks/it rocks”) mentality..
Perfectionists energy is:  they(I) won’t accept anything but 100% … or “I quit”
… and they project that energy into their clients..  (“no change, feels the same”)

So, the client is blocked – and perceives NOTHING.

Rewind … and check..

Is the problem:

  1. me? (YouTube video: “Oh, Sh$!, it’s me“)
  2. the clients’ energy
  3. somewhere else – other than (1) and (2)?

…and, use The Power of – Numerical Profiling – i.e.  how much?

Don’t blame the client until you know!

The Surprise:   Practitioner often thinks it’s the clients’ problem (it can’t be ME!)
The Real bother:  
Mediocrity (“the middle”) – bothers the practitioner (“if I can’t have “all“, I’d rather have nothing“)

Get neutral to:  All points in the “squishy middle” – which in our YUEN Method world means
“incremental improvement” is OK.1% is OK, so is 5%, 10%, 20% – not just 0 or 100% – i.e. the extremes )

19.  Decade weakness (Time Element)

Getting close to a new decade (or previous decade) weakness can color our perception or block perception of changes.   It’s more common than one would think.    We check for # decade weaknesses blocking someone.

